
Showing posts from May, 2017
12 Natural Ways to Keep Teeth Strong Have you ever wondered what you would look like when you have no more teeth? If you don’t take proper care of those pearly whites, you won’t have to wait long to see what you would look like as an edentulous adult. Luckily, these 12 ways can help keep your teeth strong even without  the expensive and fancy dental treatments 1. Always floss. Flossing is usually skipped by many people because they think brushing is enough. However, this is a very big misconception that needs to be debunked immediately. Brushing can’t clean the small gaps between the teeth, and it certainly can’t remove food debris and plaque from the sides of the backmost molars. Flossing can do all of these and efficiently clean the teeth from front to back. 2. Drink a lot of water. Water helps wash away food and bacteria left in and around the mouth. It also neutralizes acidity that can erode tooth enamel and weaken the teeth. Make it a habit to rinse your mouth or gargl
How to Become Slim in 3 to 10 Days Ever wanted to look leaner and fitter instantly to show off your well-toned body for a beach vacation, the New Year's eve party, a cousin's wedding, or a big date? If yes, then we have tips for you to look thinner, slimmer, leaner and better instantly. No, it's not an optical illusion. Whether you have 3 days, 7, 10, 14 days, 2 weeks or 1 month, you can use these tips to look thinner for the big day. 1. Drink Water Start your day with a glass or two of plain water. Research has proven that drinking water first thing in the morning helps jump start your metabolism and helps remove toxins from your body. Also, if you want a drink then make it water as water is a drink and has no calories. Drinking plain water also helps in controlling hunger and prevents you from eating unnecessary calories. Switch to water or green tea and feel the difference within a day.Read to know more  green tea to lose weight. 2. Walk After Yo
7 Amazing Benefits of Green Tea: The Healthiest Drink in the World 1. Chock Full of Antioxidants Antioxidants, why are they good for us anyway? Well, when we eat, our bodies have to turn food into energy. As a result, this generates some byproducts within our bodies called  free radicals . Free radicals can damage our cells and may be a driver in  aging . But have no fear, we can combat the negative effect of free radicals by consuming antioxidants, and one great way to do this is by drinking green tea. In  clinical trials  published by the American Society for Nutritional Sciences, scientists found that numerous studies suggested that the consumption of tea may bring positive health effects. The hypothesis behind these benefits stems from the high levels of  flavonoids , antioxidants that scavenge free radicals. Benefits of flavonoids include, but are not limited to: Fighting Viruses Helping Prevent Cancer Preventing Inflammation Helping with Allergies 2. Can

Health Benefits of Papaya

Health Benefits of Papaya The papaya is an incredibly healthy tropical fruit. It’s loaded with antioxidants that can  reduce inflammation , fight disease and help keep you looking young. Here are 8 health benefits of papaya: 1. Papaya is Delicious and Loaded With Nutrients 2. It Has Powerful Antioxidant Effects 3. Papaya Has Anti-Cancer Properties 4. The Antioxidants in Papaya May Improve Heart               Health 5. Papaya Fights Inflammation 6. Papaya May Improve Digestionation 7. It Protects Against Skin Damage 8. The Fruit is Delicious and Versatile One small papaya (152 grams)  contains : Calories:  59. Carbohydrates:  15 grams. Fiber:  3 grams. Protein:  1 gram. Vitamin C:  157% of the RDI. Vitamin A:  33% of the RDI. Folate (Vitamin B9) : 14% of the RDI. Potassium:  11% of the RDI. Trace amounts of calcium,  magnesium  and vitamins B1, B3, B5, E and K.