
Showing posts from November, 2017

Blessing of the Morning Walk

An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day. If you could just put the laziness aside and go for a morning walk everyday, your body and mind will thank you. Walking is one of the easiest ways to stay fit. Although you may have a busy life, still try and introduce physical activity I your life. A moderate amount of physical exercise for 30-45 minutes a day is enough to keep you healthy. This form of aerobic fitness can lift your mood, make you physically fit and improve the quality of your life. Physical activity early in the morning is helpful because it ensures greater mental sharpness for the rest of the day. Here are some wonderful benefits of the morning walk. Better Sleep: Walking tires the body out and therefore, sleep comes easily when you hit the pillow at night moreover, daily morning walks also help to regulate your sleep cycle as you get at the everyday. Weight loss: Morning walks burn calories and improve the metabolism of the body which in turn,

Typhoid Fever in Children

Typhoid fever is an acute generalized infection of the reticuloendothelial, intestinal lymphoid tissue and gall bladder caused  by salmonella typhi. Epidemiology As per the WHO estimates, there were 20 million cases of Typhoid fever globally with 20 lakh deaths in the year 2000. Among them Asia and Africa account for 70.80% of cases. Reservoir   Humans are the sole reservoir of salmonella typhi 3.5% of patient become chronic carriers after a clinical or sub clinical infection with typhoid and is because persistence of typhoid bacilli in gall bladder and biliary tract middle aged females are most likely to become carriers. It is rare to develop a carrier state befor the age of 20 years. Incubation period The usual incubation period is 10 to 14 days but it may very from 3 to 60 days. Causative Agent Salmonella Typhi, a gram negative beacilli which are motile, non acid fast, non capsulated and non sporing flagellate, facultative anerobes. Host Human beings are


 Is very easy to initiate to but very hard to break free from-till death do us apart. Researches have shown that Cigarette smoke contains over 4 thousand different chemicals with at least 43 known carcinogens which cause cancer. Some of them are listed as follows: 1. Benzene: Colorless liquid used as solvent in fuel associated with      leukemia(blood cancer) 2. Formaldehyde: Colorless liquid used to preserve dead bodies known to cause       cancer, respiratory, skin and GIT problems. 3. Ammonia: Used as flavoring in cigarette, it frees nicotine from tobacco, turning      it into gas .Also found in dry cleaning fluids. 4. Acetone: Used in solvent like nail police remover. 5. Tar: Particulate matter drawn into lungs when you inhale and about 70% of it is      deposited in smoker lungs. 6. Nicotine: One of the most addictive substances known to man. It is powerful      and fast acting medical and non medical poison often used as insecticide. 7. Carbon monoxid