Is very easy to initiate to but very hard to break free from-till death do us apart. Researches have shown that Cigarette smoke contains over 4 thousand different chemicals with at least 43 known carcinogens which cause cancer.
Some of them are listed as follows:
1. Benzene: Colorless liquid used as solvent in fuel associated with
     leukemia(blood cancer)
2. Formaldehyde: Colorless liquid used to preserve dead bodies known to cause  
    cancer, respiratory, skin and GIT problems.
3. Ammonia: Used as flavoring in cigarette, it frees nicotine from tobacco, turning
     it into gas .Also found in dry cleaning fluids.
4. Acetone: Used in solvent like nail police remover.
5. Tar: Particulate matter drawn into lungs when you inhale and about 70% of it is
     deposited in smoker lungs.
6. Nicotine: One of the most addictive substances known to man. It is powerful
     and fast acting medical and non medical poison often used as insecticide.
7. Carbon monoxide: An odorless tasteless poisonous gas rapidly fatal in large
     amount. It is same gas that come out of car exhaust and the main gas that in  
     cigarette smoke.
8. Arsenic: Commonly found in rat poison.
9. Hydrogen cyanide: Used as chamber poison.
                  Smoking causes specially disease in lung. Tar coast lung like soot in chimney causing cancer, carbon monoxide robs the muscle, brain and body tissue of oxygen making whole body specially the heart work harder. Over time the airway swells up and less air into the lung. Some of the diseases are as follows,
1. Emphysema: People often get repeated bronchitis causing lung/heart failure.
2. Heart Ailments: Nicotine and carbon monoxide temporarily increases heart rate
     BP staining the heart and blood vessels causing heart attack stoke.
3. Heart burn: Occurs when acidic juices in from the stomach splash into
4. Peptic Ulcer:
5. Disease: Smoking alters the ability of liver to process drugs, alcohol and other
     toxins for removal from the body influencing the dose of medication. 
6. Croris Disease:
7. Smoking leads premature ageing: It wrinkles the skin shallows the complexion
     stains teeth, finger, Nail, Leads to bad breadth. Women may have early  
     menopause and decrease fertility.
How to quit:
               There are some treatment strategies formulated to help smokers to quit. The CPAA (Cancer patient aid association) has formulated 18 ways to goodbye to cigarette.
1. If you think Cigarettes are giving you an energy boost try gum, modest exercise
    a brisk walk or new hobby.
2. If you think Cigarettes help you relax, try eating new beverages or go to social
     activities with  reasonable bound.
3. Make a list of luxuries you would like to buy your girlfriend write down the cost
     next each item now convert the cost to pack of Cigarettes, if you save each day
     from pack of Cigarette you can buy them.
4. Use special piggy bank for saving oney or start a quit, to save money.
5. Never smoke after you get cranving for cigarette until 3 minute have past after
     you got urge, during that three minute change your thinking or activities.
6. Don’t stock upon cigarette, never buy the cartoon, and wait until one pack is
     finished before you buy another.
7. Never carry lighters and matches with you.
8. Put away your ashtrays or fill them with objects so they can not be used for
9. Never say I quit smoking because your resolution is broken, if you have a
     cigarette better to say I don’t  smoking now. This way you maintain your
      resolution even you accidentally have a cigarette.
10. Try to help someone else to quit smoking particularly you are friend.
11. Always  ask yourself “ Do I need this cigarette or is just a relax?”
12. Each day try to put of lighting  your first cigarette.
13. Brush you teeth frequently to get rid of tobacco stains and smell.
14. If you have sudden craving for cigarette, take 10 deep breath holding  last
       breath until  you strike the  match, quickly get buys with some other activities.
15. Only smoke half a cigarette and throw other half away.
16. Start using your lungs in better way. Get more oxygen in it. Increase your
       activities  and Indulge moderate exercise, yoga.
17.  Visit your dentition after you quit and have your teeth clean.
18.  Get out your old habits, seek new habits or perform old activities in a new
         way. Besides this some pharmacological measure helf in habit withdrawal. 
1.    Nicotine transdermal patches
 2.   Nicotine based chewing gum 
What you gain when you quit smoking?
           Just 20 minutes after you have smoked that last cigarette you body begins and un going series of beneficial change.
20 minutes:
BP drops to normal
Pulse rate to normal
Temperature of hand and feet increases to normal
8 Hours:
Carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal
Oxygen level in blood increase to normal
24 hours:
Change of heart attack decreases.
48 hours:
Nerve ending start regrouping
Test and Smells senses are enhanced walking becomes easier
2 weeks- 3 Months
Circulation improves
Lung function increases up to 30 %
1-9 Months
Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, shortness of breathe decrease. Cilia regrow in respiratory tract increasing ability to handle mucus clean the lung and reduce infection.
1 year
Risk of coronary heart disease is lower then that of smoker.
“One moment of joy takes whole life”


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