
Showing posts from 2018

Moringa Benefits For Health:

The most amazing thing about Moringa is that all parts of this plant including its bark, roots, leaves, flowers, seeds, sap and pods are a storehouse of nutrients and antioxidants. Thus, this plant possesses innumerable health benefits and has the capacity of curing several diseases. For this reason, it is referred to as the ‘miracle tree’ and is widely used in traditional medicine. The various health benefits of Moringa are as follows. 1.The seeds of Moringa contain 40 percent edible oil known as Ben oil. This clear, sweet and odourless oil is rich in antioxidants and is similar to olive oil in terms of its nutritional profile.It has an indefinite shelf life as it does not turn rancid like other oils. 2. Moringa leaves are the most widely used parts of this plant. These leaves are edible. They contain three times more iron than spinach. 3. Moringa contains all the essential amino acids needed by the body. Amino acids are the building blocks of pro

Postnatal psychosis

It is the condition of many major mental disorder of organic or emotional origin characterized by a gross impairment   in reality testing , where by the individual incorrectly evaluate and makes incorrect references about external reality, even in the face of contrary evidence.      The onset of puerperal psychosis is usually rapid , occurring with the first few days of delivery and rarely beyond the first 2-3 weeks. Incidence - Puerperal psychosis is of relatively low incidence 1:450. - It is more common in primiparaus women. - No defined cause has yet been isolated for postnatal psychosis. Pre-disposing factor: -          Stress. -          Marital tension. -          Baby’s sex. -          Broken home. -          Housing. -          Hereditary. Clinical manifestation: -Actually become more profound with extreme mood swings during which feeling of guilt or anxiety may be expressed. - Restless and inability to sleep. - Suicidal impulses or desire to

Amazing Benefits Of Cardamom (Elaichi)

What Are The Different Types Of Cardamom? Green and black cardamom – the two major types. Green cardamom ,  also known as true cardamom, is the commonest variety. This is distributed from India to Malaysia. It is used to flavor both sweet and savory dishes. It is also added to rich curries and milk-based preparations for its fragrance. Tea and coffee are also spiced with cardamom. Black cardamom  is native to the Eastern Himalayas and is mostly cultivated in Sikkim, Eastern Nepal, and parts of West Bengal in India. It is brown and slightly elongated. It is used only in savory dishes like curries and biryani. It is also an essential ingredient in garam masala (the blend of spices). The dark brown seeds are known for their medicinal values – particularly so because of their nutrient content (volatile oils, calcium, iron, etc.). We also have ground cardamom – which is nothing but what we get when the spice is crushed to obtain cardamom powd


Pre-eclampsia when complicated with convulsion & or coma is called eclampsia.It is more common is primigravidae. Clinical features - Seizures or coma: seizure may be preceeded by rolling of eyes    to one to side with a stare. - Can occur after intractable severe pre-eclampsia.  - Pre-eclampsia superimposed on chronic hypertension. - Proteinuria may present. - Elevated creatinine level. Complication: 1.    Hazards of convulsion -          Injuries -          Aspiration -          Exhaustion due to frequent attack fits 2.    Puimonary odema 3.    Pneumonia. 4.    Cerebral haemorrhage. 5.    Postpartum shock. 6.    Pureperal sepsis. 7.    Psychosis. 8.    Pulmonary embolism. 9.    Eye complication -The patient should b placed in a side with raised bed in an isolated room protect from noxious stimuli which might provoke further fits. -Patient should lie on left lateral position to minimize venacaval compression. -Administered oxygen. -