Amazing Benefits Of Cardamom (Elaichi)

What Are The Different Types Of Cardamom?

Green and black cardamom – the two major types.
Green cardamomalso known as true cardamom, is the commonest variety. This is distributed from India to Malaysia.
  • It is used to flavor both sweet and savory dishes.
  • It is also added to rich curries and milk-based preparations for its fragrance.
  • Tea and coffee are also spiced with cardamom.
Black cardamom is native to the Eastern Himalayas and is mostly cultivated in Sikkim, Eastern Nepal, and parts of West Bengal in India. It is brown and slightly elongated.
  • It is used only in savory dishes like curries and biryani.
  • It is also an essential ingredient in garam masala (the blend of spices).
  • The dark brown seeds are known for their medicinal values – particularly so because of their nutrient content (volatile oils, calcium, iron, etc.).
We also have ground cardamom – which is nothing but what we get when the spice is crushed to obtain cardamom powder.

What Is The History Of Cardamom?

The use of cardamom dates back to at least 4,000 years. Considered one of the world’s oldest spices, it was used in ancient Egypt for its medicinal properties – and even as a part of rituals and embalming. And the Romans and Greeks used this spice for its pungent aroma. The Vikings discovered it during their travels and brought it back to Scandinavia.
All of this is not as important as what is inside cardamom – the nutrients that make it what it is today.

What Is The Nutritional Profile Of Cardamom?

Energy311 Kcal15.5%
Carbohydrates68.47 g52.5%
Protein10.76 g19%
Total Fat6.7 g23%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Dietary Fiber28 g70%
Niacin1.102 mg7%
Pyridoxine0.230 mg18%
Riboflavin0.182 mg14%
Thiamin0.198 mg16.5%
Vitamin A0 IU0%
Vitamin C21 mg35%
Sodium18 mg1%
Potassium1119 mg24%
Calcium383 mg38%
Copper0.383 mg42.5%
Iron13.97 mg175%
Magnesium229 mg57%
Manganese28 mg1217%
Phosphorus178 mg25%
Zinc7.47 mg68%
 And now, we head to the benefits.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Cardamom?

Cardamom helps improve digestive health and prevents certain serious ailments like cancer. It also aids in diabetes treatment and helps you cope with depression. You can include cardamom in your diet as you usually do or even take cardamom milk (also called elaichi milk) to avail the wondrous benefits.

1. Improves Digestive Health

According to an Indian study, cardamom can be used in cuisines not just for flavor, but also for enhancing digestion. The spice also stimulates metabolism, given its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
 Cardamom is also known to stimulate the secretion of bile acid in the stomach, further aiding in digestion. The spice also prevents other gastrointestinal ailments like acid reflux, heartburn, diarrhea, etc.

2. Promotes Heart Health

Its antioxidant properties can promote heart health. Cardamom also contains fiber, the nutrient that can help lower cholesterol levels and enhance heart health.
 The spice also can lower blood pressure levels – and this benefits the heart. Simply have a concoction of a teaspoon of coriander and a pinch of cardamom along with a cup of freshly squeezed peach juice.
 Black cardamom seems to work much better than its green cousin when it comes to heart health. One study conducted on patients with ischemic heart disease had their plasma lipid profiles and antioxidant status and fibrinolytic activity (a process that prevents blood clots from growing and causing problems) getting better post the ingestion of black cardamom .
 As per a report by the Harvard Medical School, cardamom is one of the ingredients heart experts usually include in their dinners. 

3. Aids In Cancer Prevention

Cardamom has exhibited its potential as a natural cancer treatment.  Several animal studies have shown that the spice can be used to prevent, delay, and even reverse cancer formation.
As per one Saudi Arabian study, administration of cardamom powder had reduced the occurrence of tumors. Cardamom also decreases general inflammation, which inhibits the growth of cancer cells and encourages their death. Another Saudi Arabian study states that cardamom has the potential to treat forestomach cancer.
The spice had also shown desirable effects on chemically induced colorectal cancer in mice.

4. Has Diuretic Properties

Cardamom has diuretic properties that can benefit cases of hypertension and epilepsy. These diuretic properties of cardamom also aid in detoxification.

5. Helps Fight Depression

According to a health report, cardamom can indeed help people cope with depression. Just powder a few seeds of cardamom and boil them in water along with your everyday tea. Take the tea regularly for better results.

6. Fights Asthma

Cardamom plays a role in fighting asthma symptoms like wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and tightness in the chest. The spice makes breathing easier by enhancing blood circulation within the lungs. It also fights related inflammation by soothing the mucus membranes.
Another report says that green cardamom can be used to treat asthma, bronchitis, and numerous other respiratory issues.

7. Aids In Diabetes Treatment

Cardamom is extremely rich in manganese – a mineral that can lower the risk of diabetes. However, a lot more research is required in this aspect.

8. Improves Oral Health

Cardamom possesses antimicrobial properties that enhance oral health. According to the European Journal of General Dentistry, cardamom can protect against oral pathogens like Streptococci mutans. The pungent taste of cardamom even stimulates the salivary flow – and this can help prevent dental caries.
Cardamom can also work well in treating bad breath. Especially when you take a mixture of spices, including the seeds of anise, cardamom, and fennel – bad breath wouldn’t be a problem anymore.

9. Enhances Appetite

One Polish study emphasizes on the use of cardamom for treating a lack of appetite. Even cardamom oil can be used as an appetite stimulant.
Cardamom can also aid in the treatment of histoplasmosis – a condition in which one of the symptoms is a lack of appetite.

10. Lowers Blood Pressure Levels

According to an Indian study, cardamom effectively lowers blood pressure. You can simply include cardamom in your soups and stews or even baked items to keep your blood pressure levels in check.

11. Improves Sexual Health

Cardamom is a proven aphrodisiac. The spice is rich in a compound called cineole, and just a small pinch of cardamom powder can release nerve stimulants and fuel your passions.
Some reports say that cardamom can also treat impotence. Further research is warranted.

12. Can Treat Hiccups

Cardamom has muscle-relaxing properties, and these can help relieve hiccups. All you need to do is add a teaspoon of cardamom powder to hot water. Let it steep for about 15 minutes. Strain and consume slowly.

13. Helps Treat Sore Throat

A mixture of cardamom, cinnamon, and black pepper can work wonders for treating a sore throat. While cardamom soothes the sore throat and reduces irritation, cinnamon offers antibacterial protection. And black pepper improves the bioavailability of the two ingredients. You can take 1 gram each of cardamom and cinnamon powders, 125 mg of black pepper, along with 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix all ingredients and lick the mixture thrice a day.
Cardamom also has been found to reduce nausea and prevent vomiting. In one study, test subjects who were given cardamom powder showed less frequency and duration of nausea and less frequency of vomiting.

14. Prevents Blood Clots

According to the Central Food Technological Research Institute in India, cardamom contains several components that relieve blood clots. But yes, adequate research is lacking in this aspect.

What Are The Benefits For The Skin?

The skin benefits of cardamom can be attributed to its antibacterial and antioxidant properties. The spice helps treat skin allergies and improves skin complexion. It can also be used as a tool to cleanse the skin.

15. Improves Complexion

One of the benefits of cardamom is that it can give you fair skin. Cardamom essential oil helps in removing blemishes, thus giving you a fairer complexion.
You can either buy skin care products containing cardamom or its essential oil. Or you can simply mix cardamom powder with honey and apply it as a face mask.

16. Improves Blood Circulation

Cardamom contains vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant. It improves blood circulation throughout the body. Also, the many layers of phytonutrients in the spice can improve blood circulation – which invariably enhances skin health.

17. Treats Skin Allergies

Cardamom, especially the black variety, has antibacterial properties. Applying a cardamom and honey mask (a mixture of cardamom powder and honey) to the affected area can give relief.

18. Imparts Fragrance

Cardamom is often used in cosmetics to impart fragrance. Due to its distinct spicy, sweet scent, both cardamom and cardamom oil are used in perfumes, soaps, body washes, powders, and other cosmetics. Oriental style perfumes and other scented products often use cardamom as an ingredient in addition to other essential oils.

19. Offers Therapeutic Benefits To The Skin

Cardamom can be used in skin care products for antiseptic and anti-inflammatory purposes to calm and soothe the skin, thanks to its therapeutic effects. When added to perfumes, it can stimulate the senses. Facial soaps use cardamom to impart a warming sensation to the skin.These cosmetics using cardamom for therapeutic reasons are known as aromatherapy products.

20. Works As A Great Masking Agent

The strong scent of cardamom can ward off unpleasant odors. This makes it a great addition to cosmetic products, such as toners, that serve a specific function but smell unappealing due to the inclusion of certain ingredients. Cardamom is added to these products to mask the unpleasant scent while retaining the benefit of the cosmetic.

21. Offers Lip Care

Cardamom essential oil is often added to cosmetics that are applied to the lips (such as lip balms) to impart the taste of the oil and make the lips smooth.
You can simply apply the oil to your skin before you go to bed and wash it off in the morning.

22. Helps You Achieve Clear Skin

Black cardamom helps in flushing out the toxins that could otherwise harm your skin. Chewing some black cardamom detoxifies your body, thus providing you with clearer skin.

What About The Benefits For Hair?

Cardamom can contribute to improved hair growth and the treatment of certain scalp issues.

23. Nourishes Your Scalp

The antioxidant properties of cardamom, and especially the black type, nourish your scalp and improve its health. The spice also nourishes the hair follicles and enhances hair strength. You can wash your hair with cardamom water (mix the powder with water and use before shampoo) to achieve the desired results.
The antibacterial properties of the spice even treat scalp infections, if any.

24. Improves Hair Health

This is a given. Improved scalp health most often means stronger and better-looking hair. The spice strengthens your hair roots and offers shine and luster to your hair.


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