Health Benefits Of Bamboo Shoot

1. Reduce cholesterol

Bamboo shoot contains high fiber which has significant role in reducing cholesterol in the blood. Regular consumption of bamboo shoot decrease the LDL or Low Density Lipoprotein which is known as bad fat.
2. Prevent heart disease
Phytonutrients that contained in bamboo shoot has important role in maintaining heart function. According to a study, phytosterols and phytonutrients found in bamboo shoots can inhibit the LDL cholesterol dissolved in the body. This cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease. Bamboo shoot also contains potassium which is vital in keeping normal heart beat.
3. Help in lose weight
Bamboo shoots are low in calories and fat also high in fiber. It makes a perfect meal for people who are trying to lose weigh. High fiber in bamboo shoot can add bulk in the stomach and make you feel full for longer time. It also can prevent you from getting hunger often.
4. Boost immune system
Bamboo shoot has great number of vitamin, mineral and antioxidant which can improve immune system function in combat several disease. Antioxidant in bamboo shoot can strengthen the immune cell to fight free radicals and prevent it from entering the body and causing oxidative stress.
5. Lower blood pressure
Bamboo shoots contain high amounts of fiber that give an effect in lowering blood pressure. It is also high in potassium that control the fluid balance in the body and maintaining normal blood pressure.
6. Clear wound
Eating bamboo shoot regularly can fasten the wound healing and this benefit served by the anti inflammatory properties that contained in bamboo shoo. The vitamin and mineral of bamboo shoot also promote the new skin cell regeneration and clear the wound.
7. Prevent diabetes
High Fiber which presence in bamboo shoot can delay the absorption of the sugar to the blood so it can keep the normal blood sugar level after eat. High level of blood sugar is really harmful and it can cause insulin resistance which lead to the development of diabetes. Eating bamboo shoot is highly recommended for diabetes patient.
8. Fight fungal infection
Bamboo shoot not only contains anti-inflammatory properties but also contain anti-fungal that is effective to cure disease or skin problem which cause by fungi.
9. Heal ulcer
Based on a research which conducted by Muniappan and Sundararaj, bamboo shoots also served the analgesic or pain-killer properties. It can calm the stomach and heal the wound which is caused by ulcer.
10. Cure animal poisoning
It is well known in Ayurvedic medication that bamboo shoot has an effect to clear blood from animal toxin or poison. Ancient Indian people used to treat someone who got bitten by snake or scorpio by bamboo shoot extract.
11. Maintain normal metabolism
Bamboo shoot contains some amount of manganese which contribute in the formation of some metabolic enzyme. Eating bamboo shoot can help to maintain normal metabolism by provide the body with the manganese.
12. Keep strong bones
Bamboo shoot contains some amount of calcium which is important to kepp bone mass and prevent from osteoporosis. Even its not in high amount, eating bamboo shoot is worth ebough to supply the calcium intake to the body
13. Prevent anemia
Iron is mineral that required in the red blood cell formation. Lack of iron can cause anemia ( a condition which the body lack of red blood cell and it affect the oxygen transport to whole body). Bamboo shoot contain some amount of iron which can prevent you from suffering anemia.


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