Malnutrition Management

The diets of infants and young children may be deficiency in nutrition i.e. protein, fat, carbohydrate, essentials vitamins or minerals is charaterised by term malnutrition. The deficiency may be of a single food element or of several element.
Causes of Nutrition:
·       Inadequate and inappropriate food intake.
·       Lack of knowledge related to proper nutrition eg. Earlier or delayed weaning of food, early stoppage of breast feeding and starting of bottle feeding.
·       Low body weight.
·       Un immunized child.
·       Female child,partiality and priorities for their male siblings.
·       Recurrent diarrhea, fever,cough.
·       Medical problems eg measles,worms,lung disease ,renal failure.
·       Working mother.
·       Papulation growth.
·       Feeding habits-lack of exclusive breast feeding for 1st 6 month.
Types of malnutrition:
 a. Marasmus-deficiency of energy.
 b.Kwashiorker- deficiency of protein.
 c.Marasmickwashiorker-deficiency of protein and energy food.

Management and prevention of Malnutrition:
1. Dietary therapy: Food is only the element for the case of malnutrition.
These food includes cereals, dal, milk,egg, green vegetables, Fruits etc, NG tube feeding is necessary for short period until he/she starts taking food orally and in severe cases, even parenteral nutrition may be required.
2. Diet should be cheap, acceptable, digestable to meet the nutritional
    requirement of the age group for eg. Sarbottam pitho.
3. For oedematous body(K and MK) salt free with high protein diet.
4. Give two hourly breast feeds (100ml/kg/day) and encourage for
   continuous breast feeding.

Management of complication:
1. Hypothermia: keeping the child worm and maintaining personal
2. Hypoglycemia: parental glucose.
3. sereve dehydration: Rehydration therapy should be given.
4. Antihelminthic drugs are given for worm infestation, antibiotics for
   the existing infection, iron for anaemia and zinc, copper and vitamin
  “A” as per the requirement.

Preventive Management of PEM:
1.Growth Monitoring.
2.Oral rehydration therapy.
3.Breast feeding and birth spacing.


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