
Showing posts from June, 2017

Natural and Home Remedies for Ulcers

1. Flavonoids Research   suggests that flavonoids, also known as bioflavonoids, may be an effective treatment for stomach ulcers. Flavonoids are compounds that occur naturally in many fruits and vegetables. Foods and drinks rich in flavonoids include: soybeans legumes red grapes kale broccoli apples berries teas, especially green tea However, some foods and drinks that contain flavonoids — such as citrus fruits and red wines — can irritate a stomach ulcer. Flavonoids are referred to as “ gastroprotective ,” which means they defend the lining of the stomach and could allow ulcers to heal. According to the  Linus Pauling Institute , there are no side effects of consuming flavonoids in the amount found in a typical diet, but higher amounts of flavonoids may interfere with blood clotting. You can get flavonoids in your diet or take them as supplements. 2. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice Don’t let that long first word give you a stomach ache. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice i

Nutritional breakdown of pumpkin

According to the  USDA National Nutrient Database , one cup of pumpkin, cooked, boiled, drained, and without salt, contains: 49  calories 1.76 grams of protein 0.17 grams of fat 0 grams of  cholesterol 12 grams of carbohydrate (including 2.7 grams of fiber and 5.1 grams of sugar) Consuming one cup of cooked, canned pumpkin would provide well over 100 percent of our daily needs for vitamin A, 20 percent of the daily value for vitamin C, 10 percent or more for vitamin E, riboflavin, potassium,  copper , and manganese, and at least 5 percent for thiamin, B-6,  folate , pantothenic acid, niacin, iron,  magnesium , and phosphorus. Of course, using fresh pumpkin and preparing it at home will deliver the most health benefits, but canned pumpkin is also a great choice. Be sure to steer clear of canned pumpkin pie mix, which is usually right next to the canned pumpkin in grocery stores and in a similar can but has added sugars and syrups.

6 Ways to Reduce Period Pain

1. Supplement Yourself Take calcium and magnesium supplements throughout the month, as these nutrients work in concert to aid muscle relaxation. You should aim for a total of about 1000mg of calcium daily, and up to 500mg of magnesium daily.  If you experience loose stools, reduce the dose. (Note: we recommend you use calcium citrate, because it tends to be more easily absorbed into the system than calcium carbonate.) 2. Try a Tea Raspberry leaf is considered to be a mild uterine tonic. Try a cup of raspberry leaf tea each day throughout the month. It is available at Whole Foods by the company Traditional Medicinals. Keep in mind you are looking for the herbal tea, not raspberry-flavored black tea! 3. Eat More Greens Dark leafy greens are a dietary source of magnesium, calcium, and countless other micronutrients.  These nutrients are essential for mediating muscle contractions. In Chinese dietary therapy, dark green vegetables are also considered to be mildly cleansing, w

Amazing Benefits Of Bitter Gourd

1. Respiratory Disorders The fresh pods are an excellent remedy for curing respiratory problems like asthma, cold, cough, etc. Also, the paste of bitter melon leaves, along with the paste of tulsi leaves, when taken with honey in the morning, is a good remedy . 2. Liver Tonic Drink one glass of bitter melon juice daily to heal liver problems. Keep consuming this continuously for a week to see results  . 3. Immune System Boil bitter melon leaves or fruits in water and consume it every day to fight against infections. This also helps to build your immunity . 4. Acne Consuming bitter melon can help you get rid of acne, blemishes and  deep skin infections . Bitter melon is useful in treating blood disorders like blood boils, scabies, itching, psoriasis, ringworm and other fungal diseases. The free radicals in it are also useful for anti-ageing. Consume the juice of a bitter melon mixed with lemon on an empty stomach daily for 6 months or till you get the desired result

Nine of the best benefits of pineapples

1.  Cancer prevention : Pineapples are rich in antioxidants and  vitamin C  which can help bolster the body and protect it from cancer. The flavonoids, bromelain, and other antioxidants are important components in cancer prevent, but it’s the manganese content that makes pineapples great for cancer prevention. Manganese is a critical co-factor in the production of superoxide dismutase – which helps to deal with free radicals in the body. Free radicals are responsible for causing a number of different cancers which is why pineapple plays a role in cancer prevention.  Simply put, pineapple is a delicious way to  boost your immune system  and reduce your risk of cancer! 2.  Digestive health : If you suffer from digestive issues, pineapples may be your stomach’s best friend! This fruit is a rich source of both soluble and insoluble fiber which can help protect you from developing constipation,  IBS , and diarrhea. Adding fiber to your diet can help stimulate the passage of food
Health Benefits Of Mint Boost Digestion.  Like I said, one of the main mint health benefits is that it aids digestion and helps to remove stomach pains. Mint is a great appetizer, and due to its soft aroma, it soothes the stomach. The aroma triggers the mouth to produce more saliva and more digestive enzymes. As you can imagine, this aids digestion tremendously. Strengthen Your Liver.  When your liver is chugging along slowly, you’re going to be feeling pretty dismal. A poorly functioning liver is an energy sap. Thankfully, one of the great mint nutritional benefits is that it is a powerful liver booster. The  health benefits of beetroot  are also fantastic for the liver. Cool Your Body.  You know that song – “Rock Your Body”? Well, if you listen carefully to mint leaves, you’ll hear them singing “Cool Your Body”… In all seriousness, mint is a cooling herb. Consuming mint causes your body to slightly lower its temperature. This is one reason that Mint goes great in fruity, summ
6 Health Benefits of Sugarcane Juice 1. Sugarcane juice is a diuretic which means that it helps treat urinary tract infections, kidney stones and ensure proper functioning of the  kidneys . 2. According to  Ayurveda , sugarcane juice helps strengthen your  liver  and is thus suggested as a remedy for jaundice. Jaundice is a condition where you find yellow pigmentation of the skin and membrane due to elevated levels of a substance known as bilirubin in the bodily fluids and is triggered by poor functioning liver. What sugarcane juice does is replenish your body with proteins lost and nutrients that it needs to recover quickly. 3. An  Energy  Drink - Sugarcane juice is rich in the good kind of carbohydrates, protein, iron, potassium and other essential nutrients that make it the ideal energy drinks. Especially in the  summer months , a glass of cold sugarcane juice and really life both your health and your depleting levels of energy. It builds up plasma and body fluids and hel
Drinking Water at the Right Time Find out when is the best time in the day to drink water for maximum benefits for your body.   DRINKING WATER   ​​at specific times of the day can maximize its effectiveness. It’s common knowledge that drinking eight glasses of water a day is essential for the body to function properly. However, do you know what is the optimal time to drink water? Read the following to find out what is the best time in the day to drink water in order to maximise its effectiveness on your body. 1) After waking up​ Drink one glass of water after waking up to help activate your internal organs. The water will help to remove any toxins before your first meal of the day. 2) Before a meal Drink one glass of water 30 minutes before a meal to help digestion. Remember not to drink too soon before or after a meal as the water will dilute the digestive juices. Drink water an hour after the meal to allow the body to absorb the nutrients. 3) Before a bath Dr
Interesting Benefits Of Garlic Some of the health benefits of garlic are explained in greater detail below. Diabetes:   Diabetes  can harm the kidneys, inhibit nervous system functions, cause heart disorders, and even lead to poor eyesight. The oil extracted from garlic may protect diabetic patients from these side effects. High Cholesterol Levels:  Of the two kinds of cholesterol –LDL and HDL, the former is bad for human health. Garlic, rich in the allicin compound, effectively prevents LDL cholesterol from oxidizing. All those who have high  cholesterol levels  should include this herb in their daily diet. Hypertension:  Garlic is an herbal ingredient for curing hypertension. When exposed to high levels of pressure, the allicin present in it relaxes the blood vessels. It also fights against thrombosis by reducing platelet aggregation. Eye Care:  Garlic is rich in nutrients like  Selenium ,  Quercetin  and  Vitamin C , all of which help treat eye infections and swelling.
Health Benefits of Ginger 1. Ginger Contains Gingerol, a Substance With Powerful Medicinal Properties 2. Ginger Can Treat Many Forms of Nausea, Especially Morning Sickness 3. Ginger May Reduce Muscle Pain and Soreness 4. The Anti-Inflammatory Effects Can Help With Osteoarthritis 5. Ginger May Drastically Lower Blood Sugars and Improve Heart Disease Risk Factors 6. Ginger Can Help Treat Chronic Indigestion 7. Ginger Powder May Significantly Reduce Menstrual Pain 8. Ginger May Lower Cholesterol Levels 9. Ginger Contains a Substance That May Help Prevent Cancer 10. Ginger May Improve Brain Function and Protect Against Alzheimer’s Disease 11. The Active Ingredient in Ginger Can Help Fight Infections
Nutritional profile of bananas One serving of banana is considered to be about  126 grams . One serving of banana contains 110  calories , 30 grams of  carbohydrate  and 1 gram of protein. Bananas are naturally free of fat,  cholesterol , and sodium. 2 Bananas provide a variety of vitamins and minerals: Vitamin B6 - .5 mg Manganese - .3 mg Vitamin C - 9 mg Potassium - 450 mg Dietary Fiber - 3g Protein - 1 g Magnesium  - 34 mg Folate  - 25.0 mcg Riboflavin - .1 mg Niacin - .8 mg Vitamin A - 81 IU Iron - .3 mg The recommended intake of potassium for adults is 4,700 milligrams per day.
Health Benefits Of Black Pepper 1. Antibiotic Properties Black pepper has natural antibiotic characteristics owing to its vitamin C content. It curbs harmful free radical reactions. This is one of the prime uses of black pepper ( 1 ). 2. Gastro Diseases Black pepper eases the digestion process by secreting hydrochloric acid as an alert before food consumption and hence, helps in the prevention of diseases related to the intestine and the stomach ( 2 ). 3. Bacterial Infections Black pepper helps in treating diseases caused due to bacteria. The influence of black pepper has been observed while treating conditions like constipation, diarrhea and colic ( 3 ). 4. Cough And Cold Surprisingly, the spice also acts as a remedy for cough and cold. The antibacterial properties of black pepper are used for treating respiratory disorders ( 4 ). 5. Flu And Congestion Black pepper eases congestion ( 5 ). The free radical scavenging activity of b