Health Benefits Of Black Pepper

1. Antibiotic Properties

Black pepper has natural antibiotic characteristics owing to its vitamin C content. It curbs harmful free radical reactions. This is one of the prime uses of black pepper (1).

2. Gastro Diseases

Black pepper eases the digestion process by secreting hydrochloric acid as an alert before food consumption and hence, helps in the prevention of diseases related to the intestine and the stomach (2).

3. Bacterial Infections

Black pepper helps in treating diseases caused due to bacteria. The influence of black pepper has been observed while treating conditions like constipation, diarrhea and colic (3).

4. Cough And Cold

Surprisingly, the spice also acts as a remedy for cough and cold. The antibacterial properties of black pepper are used for treating respiratory disorders (4).

5. Flu And Congestion

Black pepper eases congestion (5). The free radical scavenging activity of black pepper helps in the treatment of cancer. It slows down the activity of some types of cancer. Black pepper finds its application in skin cancer as well (6).

6. Free Radical Suspension

It generates free radical killing action that curbs the cancerous activities in the body (7).

7. Metabolism

Black pepper helps in boosting the metabolism in the body. It burns the unwanted calories and helps in reducing belly fat. Black pepper is very effective against obesity. The daily consumption of black pepper helps in reducing stomach-related problems (8).

8. Skin Treatment

The use of black pepper in your diet helps to improve skin conditions and promotes weight loss (9). Black pepper also finds application in Ayurveda.

9. Dental Health

Black pepper is helpful in improving the dental health. It helps fight tooth decay and provides quick relief from toothache (10).

10. Anti-Depressant

Black pepper is a natural anti-depressant. Piperine present in black pepper acts as an anti-depressant and stimulates the nervous system. As a result, the cognitive capacity is improved (11).

11. Carminative

Black pepper essential oil exhibits carminative properties. It helps prevent and treat flatulence. It inhibits the growth of bacteria, which cause gas.

12. Antiarthritic

It is the most useful property of black pepper essential oil. The oil has a warming effect, which helps improve circulation and provide relief from arthritic and rheumatic pains. Black pepper essential oil helps cleanse unwanted toxins like uric acid from the blood and benefits people who are suffering from rheumatism, gout, and arthritis.

13. Aperient

Black pepper essential oil has purgative properties like castor oil. However, unlike castor oil it is good for the system. It cleanses the intestine and prevents infection in the digestive system and the excretory system. Black pepper essential oil contains piperine, which exhibits mild laxative properties.

14. Diuretic And Diaphoretic

Black pepper essential oil stimulates urination and sweating. Thus, it displays diuretic and diaphoretic characteristics. These properties help purge excess toxins from the body and cleanse the skin. It helps rid the body of uric acid and excess salts. It helps lower blood pressure and reduce fat. Thus, it can help you lose weight. Its diuretic property also helps reduce inflammation.

15. Regulates Blood Pressure

Black pepper essential oil contains potassium, which helps keep your blood pressure in check and ensures that it does not get to an unhealthy or dangerously high level.


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