
Showing posts from February, 2018

Low Birth Weight (LBW)

World Health Organization has defined low birth weight as the one whose weight is less than 2500 gm irrespective of the gestational age. Very low birth weight infants weigh 1500 gm or less and extremely low birth weight infant weighs 1000 gm or less. Low birth weight is sub classified into 2 groups: 1. preterm 2. Small for gestational age. Preterm Baby: A Baby born before 37 weeks of gestation calculating from the first day of the last menstrual period is defined as preterm baby. Causes: 1. Maternal factors: - Medical disease during pregnancy such as heart disease, anaemia,    malnutrition, hypertension, renal disease etc. - Complication of pregnancy which compel for premature delivery eg    APH. - Incompetence of cervix. - Physical exertion. - Maternal infection as hyperpyrexia, trauma. - Heavy smoking and drug addiction. 2. Fetal factor: - Multiple pregnancy. - IUGR - Congenital malformation. - Rh incompatibility 3. Medical factor: - Uncon


Diarrhoea is to exctrete loose or watery stool more then 3 times per day however it is recent change in consistency of stool rather than number of stool that is more important. Persistent diarrhea :   Diarrhoea lasted more than 14 days. Agent: Bacteria: - Shigella - Cholera vibrio - Salmonella typhi Viral: - Rota virus - Adeno virus - Norwalk virus Others: - Parasites - Lamblia intestinals - Entamoeba histolytica - Giardia lambliya etc. Causes: - Unhygienic utensils. - Uncooked food/dirty food. - Unhygienic hands. - Impure water. Signs/Symptoms: - Anorexia - Loose stool with or without mucus and blood. - Abdominal pain/cramps - Nausea/Vomiting - Dehydration - Low urine output - Fever - Poor activity - Hyperactive bowel sound. Investigation: - Vital signs. - Hydration status. - To rule out the cause ( stool R/E, urine R/E, occult blood etc) Complication: - Dehydration - Electrolyte imbalance - Rectal prolapse

Breast Feeding

Breast Feeding Breast milk is a complete food and provides all nutrients needed to the infant. It is a special gift from a mother to her baby .It has also anti-infective properties that protects the baby from infection in the early months. Breast feeding is a process of feeding infants through the breasts of a woman. It is very useful and advantageous to both child and the mother as for the family and nation too. Advantages of Breast Feeding: The advantages of breast feeding are as follows:- Baby -          Perfect nutrients specially designed by nature to meet baby’s individual needs. -          Easily digested. -          Protects against allergy, eczema and asthma. -          Acts like 1 st immunization. -          Prevents hypoglycemia. -          Always sterile warm and much cheaper that other feeding. -          Helps baby and brain develop and growth. -          Establishes good and close bonding to mother. Mother -          Help in placental separa

Natural home remedies to relieve constipation

1. Drink more water Being dehydrated regularly can make you become constipated. To prevent this, it's important to drink enough water and stay hydrated. When you're constipated, you could try finding relief by drinking some carbonated (sparkling) water to help you rehydrate and get things moving again. Some studies have found sparkling water to be more effective than tap water at relieving constipation. This includes people with chronic idiopathic constipation or  irritable bowel syndrome  (IBS). However, don't start drinking more carbonated drinks like sugary soda, as they're a bad choice for your health and may make your constipation worse. Bottom line : Dehydration can make you constipated, so make sure to drink enough water. Sparkling water may be even more effective. 2. Eat more fiber, especially soluble, non-fermentable fiber People who are constipated are often told to increase their fiber intake. This is because increasing fiber intake is though