Breast Feeding

Breast Feeding
Breast milk is a complete food and provides all nutrients needed to the infant. It is a special gift from a mother to her baby .It has also anti-infective properties that protects the baby from infection in the early months. Breast feeding is a process of feeding infants through the breasts of a woman. It is very useful and advantageous to both child and the mother as for the family and nation too.
Advantages of Breast Feeding:
The advantages of breast feeding are as follows:-
-         Perfect nutrients specially designed by nature to meet baby’s individual needs.
-         Easily digested.
-         Protects against allergy, eczema and asthma.
-         Acts like 1st immunization.
-         Prevents hypoglycemia.
-         Always sterile warm and much cheaper that other feeding.
-         Helps baby and brain develop and growth.
-         Establishes good and close bonding to mother.
-         Help in placental separation: drainage of lochia and prevents from PPH.
-         Help in involution of uterus.
-         Help to delay another pregnancy i.e. : lactational  amenorrhoea.
-         Protects mother against developing ovarian cancer, breast cancer, anemia, bleeding.
-         Increases bonding with baby and thus helps to develop less chances of puerperal psychosis.
Family and Nation
-         Saves money.
-         Healthy mother and baby so healthy population.
-         Reduces maternal and infant morbidity and mortality rate.
Disadvantages/Inadequate Breast Feeding:
It may cause following complications-
-         Breast tenderness, pain, fever and hence may cause abscess.
-         Breast engorgement.
-         Breast cancer. 
Contra-Indication of Breast Feeding:
1.Maternal cause:-
        -Pueperal illness.
        -Breast complication such as mastitis, cracked nipple, abscess etc.
        - chronic medical illness such as heart disease ,PTB.
        - Pueperal psychosis.
        - HIV positive mother.
        - Pyloric stenosis.
        - Patient using high dose of anti epileptic and anti- thyroid drugs.
2. Neonatal cause:-
        - Esophegeal atresia.
        - Asphyxia and intracranial stress.
        - ALBW- can’t suck.
        - Galactosaemia
        - Cleft palate (severe degree).
Position and Technique of Feeding:
        - Hold the baby in an inclined upright position in mother lap.
        - The baby’s head in her forearm on the same side close to breast a head
           being a little extended.
        - The mother should bend slightly forward and then guide to nipple and
        - Good attachment should be maintained.
        - Breast feed for 15 mines in one breast and other next one.
        - Don’t pull your nipple suddenly from baby’s mouth.
        - Mother should feed the baby in relaxing because. Anxiety, hurry and fear inhibit the milk production.
       - After feeding, burping should be done.



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