Benefits Of Lettuce

Lettuce is particularly rich in antioxidants and other nutrients like vitamins K, A, C, and potassium. This leafy green veggie helps fight inflammation and other related diseases like diabetes and cancer. The omega-3s in lettuce protect the heart and also improve skin and hair health.
 The benefits only get better if you use the Romaine variety of lettuce – as not all lettuce is created equal.

1. Fights Inflammation

Certain proteins in lettuce (or Romaine lettuce), like lipoxygenase and carrageenan, help control inflammation.
This has been proven in one Iranian study. According to the study, lettuce has been used in folk medicine to relieve inflammation and osteodynia (pain in the bones).
According to Arthritis Foundation, vegetables (like lettuce) that are rich in vitamin K can dramatically lower inflammation. You can usually include two cups of raw leafy greens in your diet on a regular basis. Other vitamin K-rich veggies include kale, broccoli, spinach, and cabbage.
And the darker the lettuce, the more antioxidants it has. The omega-3 fatty acids in lettuce also contribute to its anti-inflammatory properties.
As per another report, lettuce is one of those pain-safe foods. This means the veggie never contributes to arthritis or related painful conditions.

2. Aids Weight Loss

One major reason lettuce can be an ideal weight loss food is calories – one serving of lettuce contains just 5 calories. Moreover, lettuce helps bridge the micronutrient gap that is otherwise hard to achieve on a low-calorie diet.
Lettuce is also low in energy density. This is especially true with Romaine lettuce, which is 95% water and offers 1 gram of fiber per cup. Fiber keeps you full and discourages binging. We recommend you to opt for darker varieties like Romaine lettuce as it is the highest in nutrient content. Or you can also try a mix.
Lettuce is also extremely low in fat and hence makes a weight loss meal all the more meaningful. Adding one large leaf of Romaine lettuce to your lunch can be a good idea.

3. Promotes Brain Health

Extreme cases of brain harm can lead to the death of neuronal cells, leading to severe brain diseases like Alzheimer’s. The lettuce extracts, as per numerous studies, had controlled this neuronal cell death due to its role in GSD or glucose/serum deprivation.
As per another study, lettuce is also rich in dietary nitrate. This compound is converted to nitric oxide in the body, which is a cellular signaling molecule that promotes endothelial function. The reduction of endothelial function contributes to cognitive decline and other neurological disorders related to aging. Intake of lettuce stops this.
The omega-3 fatty acids in lettuce also help combat depression and the feeling of anxiety.

4. Boosts Heart Health

Romaine lettuce is a good source of folate, which is a B vitamin that converts homocysteine. Unconverted homocysteine can damage the blood vessels and lead to the accumulation of plaque, thereby damaging the heart. Lettuce is also a rich source of vitamins A and C, both of which help oxidize cholesterol and strengthen the arteries. These two nutrients also improve blood flow and prevent heart attacks.
Including two servings of romaine lettuce in your diet daily can keep your heart healthy.
Lettuce also contains potassium that lowers blood pressure and prevents heart disease. Lettuce consumption can also increase HDL (the good cholesterol) and reduce the levels of its bad brother, LDL.
Lettuce intake is also associated with improved cholesterol metabolism as per another study. It also increases the antioxidant status in the body. All of this means that regular consumption of lettuce can protect one from cardiovascular disease.
The omega-3 fatty acids in lettuce also improve heart health.

5. Help Fight Cancer

Lettuce consumption has been linked to a lowered risk of stomach cancer, especially in parts of Japan where the vegetable is taken regularly.
One report by the World Cancer Research Fund suggests that non-starchy veggies like lettuce can protect against several types of cancers – like those of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and stomach.
Another study was conducted in Japan on smokers suffering from lung cancer – and the findings revealed that intake of lettuce could offer protective effects.

6. Cuts Diabetes Risk

Studies have shown that greens, especially those like lettuce, reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes. This can be attributed to the low glycemic index (the effect of a particular food on your blood sugar levels) of lettuce, which means it doesn’t cause much of a rise in blood sugar levels.
Also, one cup of lettuce contains just about 5 calories and 2 grams of carbs. This fact also makes it a healthy addition to a diabetes-friendly diet. Reports recommend romaine lettuce over any other variety as it contains essential micronutrients (which is why it is darker).
Lettuce also contains lactucaxanthin, an anti-diabetic carotenoid that lowers blood glucose levels and can be a potential treatment for diabetes.

7. Promotes Vision Health

The omega-3 in lettuce promotes vision health and wards off any potential eye-related ailments. Romaine lettuce also contains zeaxanthin, one super antioxidant that boosts vision health like no other. It is found to prevent age-related macular degeneration.
As per a report by the American Association of Opthalmology, dark greens like lettuce contain both lutein and zeaxanthin – one deadly combination to prevent serious vision diseases. One study had shown that women on a high-lutein diet were 23% less likely to develop cataracts as they aged.
Romaine lettuce is also a good replacement for spinach (another veggie good for the eyes). Several other studies have shown the importance of lutein and zeaxanthin in boosting eye health and preventing cataracts and other eye diseases. In fact, those two seem to be the most powerful nutrients when we talk about eye health.

8. Promotes Digestive Health

The fiber in lettuce promotes digestion and wards off other digestive ailments like constipation and bloating. It also can relieve stomach pain.
Lettuce is known to help the stomach process different types of food. It also improves intestinal health.

9. Helps Treat Insomnia

This has got do with lactur carium, a substance in lettuce that sedates the nervous system and promotes sleep. You can Add lettuce to your late night salad in case you have a difficulty dropping off at night.
Lettuce also contains another substance called lactucin, which induces sleep and relaxation. This veggie was used even in the medieval times to relieve insomnia.

10. Enhances Bone Health

Vitamins K, A, and C are important in collagen production – which is the first step in bone formation. And lettuce is rich in all three of them. Vitamin K helps build cartilage and the connective tissues. Vitamin A helps in the development of new bone cells, the deficiency of which can lead to osteoporosis and an increased risk of fractures. Vitamin C fights bone depletion, which is one of the aging factors.
We need to refer to vitamin K again since lettuce is replete with it and also as it is not known to many as a bone savior. Insufficient vitamin K can lead to osteopenia (reduced bone mass) and an increased fracture risk, and supplementation of this vitamin reduces bone turnover and enhances bone strength.
According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, vitamin K is also important for proper bone mineralization.

11. Boosts Immunity

Though there isn’t a lot of research in this aspect, the presence of vitamins A and C in lettuce make it a good food for the immune system. Lettuce also has antimicrobial properties.

12. Good For Pregnancy

Much of the benefits of lettuce for pregnancy spring from its folate content. This nutrient can reduce the risk of birth defects. And the vitamin K in the veggie can reduce the incidence of hemorrhaging – which is another benefit during childbirth. And the fiber in lettuce can prevent constipation, which is one issue pregnant women usually face.
Half a cup of romaine lettuce contains about 64 micrograms of folate.

13. Improves Muscle Strength And Metabolism

The potassium in lettuce enhances muscle strength as well. Low potassium levels have been linked to muscle weakness. One Swedish study had found that eating greens, especially lettuce, can boost muscle strength. Now we understand, Popeye!
Lettuce is also known to improve metabolism and even act as a source of energy. However, there is not enough information on this.

14. Improves Skin And Hair Health

The vitamin A in lettuce revitalizes the skin, and this increases cell turnover. The potassium in lettuce improves circulation, thereby supplying oxygen and other nutrients to the skin. And the vitamin C in the green veggie can protect the skin from UV radiation. It also delays the signs of aging. The fiber in lettuce is also good to detox your system, and this naturally translates to glowing skin.
Simply washing your face with lettuce extract or juice in the morning can improve your skin health.
The vitamin K in lettuce has various benefits for the hair as well. It boosts hair strength and can prevent hair fall. And again, the potassium the veggie contains might prevent premature graying of hair. You can wash your hair with lettuce juice before shampooing as usual. This boosts hair health.
And yes, the omega-3 fatty acids in lettuce greatly benefit your skin and hair.

15. Fights Anemia

Lettuce contains iron and folate, both of which are important to combat anemia. Folate helps fight what is called megaloblastic anemia, which is another type of anemia where the blood cells are very large and underdeveloped.
We also have vitamin B12 deficiency anemia, which can be taken care of by romaine lettuce.

16. Keeps You Hydrated

Lettuce (especially iceberg lettuce) is 95% water. So, there you go – this veggie can keep you hydrated just like water.
That’s that with the benefits. And like we said, romaine lettuce is the most nutritious of all.


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