Health Benefits Of Radish

1. Provides Dietary Fiber

Radishes are rich in dietary fiber content. This high percentage helps improve the body’s ability to digest food and also keep the metabolism at the right pace. The fiber content also adds to the amount of roughage you need in your diet and keeps you feeling full for longer. Sounds like a perfect evening snack, doesn’t it?

2. Is Full Of Antioxidants

Radishes contain similar antioxidants like those found in citrus fruits and vegetables. These antioxidants protect the body against oxidation reactions and by-products which may be cancerous or make the body prone to diseases.

3. Vitamin Benefits

The vitamins A, C and K that are present in radishes help to prevent skin disorders to a great extent. The consumption of radishes also results in better cell production and cell repair.

4. Contains Iron In Abundance

Iron available in radishes has positive effects on blood and hence, on the overall function of the heart. Iron helps to maintain healthy cells, skin, hair and nails. Consumption of iron rich food on a daily basis improves general appearances.

5. Improves Metabolism

Has last night’s chicken and coke taken a toll on you? Try smoothing it out with radish. Radish consumption boosts the metabolism process in the body which in turn helps the internal functions to perform better.

6. Aids Weight Loss

Thinking how radish benefits weight loss? Well, the high water content of radish and the presence of non-digestible carbohydrates make them beneficial. Consumption of radish helps to avoid excess calories and fat accumulation in the body.

7. Muscle Building And Repair

A lot of nutrients are needed in order to build up muscles. Proteins are the building blocks of muscles. Radishes are a very rich source of proteins and hence, they should be included in your diet.

8. Provides Heart Health

Radishes, like many other vegetables, reduce the absorption of cholesterol by signaling the blood and heart help prevent any cardio diseases.

9. Contains Essential Minerals

Many minerals like potassium, iron, sodium and calcium are found in radishes, and they play an important role in the body’s metabolism. They act as oxygen carriers, pregnancy nutrients, and blood sugar controllers. They also help in controlling the blood pressure.

10. Contains Antimicrobial And Antibacterial Properties

The roots also have antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that help us cure a lot of diseases.

11. Provides Liver Health

Radishes are extremely good for the liver and stomach. They are powerful detoxifying agents and help purify blood and eradicate waste and toxins.

12. Treats Jaundice

They have been known to treat Jaundice as it eliminates bilirubin and stabilizes its production level.

13. Is Effective Against Hypertension

Stress and blood pressure—these lifestyle disorders have become commonplace among passing generation. Blame wrong dietary habits, inactivity, and long work hours! Radishes, with their high potassium content, are a known home cure for hypertension.

14. Controls Diabetes

A recent study conducted at the University of Allahabad, India, proved that radish is beneficial to diabetic patients. The roots possess hypoglycemic and antidiabetic capabilities. Moreover, they have negligible or no side effects; radish also balances blood glucose levels.

15. Strengthens Immunity

Daikon radish contains antioxidants in plenty. These antioxidants help in fighting the free radicals and cell damage. In fact, daikon radish helps in preventing the formation and accumulation of toxins in the body.

16. Helps In Detoxification

Radish is a natural laxative that efficiently detoxifies the body by eliminating the waste products through the colon and kidney. It helps in digestion too by spurring the production of bile.

17. Helps Proper Functioning Of The Respiratory System

Daikon radish juice is effective in dissolving phlegm and mucus, thus aiding the proper functioning of the respiratory system. It combats viral infections and can prevent diseases like flu, bronchitis, and asthma.

18. Eradication Of Fungus

Radish juice contains enzymes like amylase, esterase, and diastase that are useful in eradicating a fungus named ‘candida albicans.’ When this fungus is removed, the body is immune to a range of diseases, fibromyalgia being one of them.

19. Prevents Cancer

Containing Vitamin C, folic acid, and anthocyanin, Radish juice helps to curb the growth of cancerous cells. In fact, radish juice is known to help in treating colon cancer, kidney cancer, stomach cancer and cancer in the intestines.

20. Treats Thyroid Problems

Radish juice also contains sulfur and raphanin, which in turn help to balance the thyroid hormones. At the same time, it helps in boosting the rate of metabolism in a healthy way.

21. Cures Piles

Constipation is one of the underlying causes for piles. The detoxifying properties of radish juice ease the pain while soothing the digestive and excretory system. Thus, drinking radish juice helps to treat piles by treating the causes.

22. Treats Jaundice

Radishes are extremely good for stomach and liver. It is a powerful detoxifier and purifies the blood by eliminating waste and toxins from the body. Red radish is known to remove bilirubin from the body that is the main cause of jaundice. Excess presence of bilirubin causes jaundice symptoms, which can be eliminated by increasing the intake of red radish. It also restricts the destruction of healthy red blood cells during jaundice.

23. Cools Our System

Red radishes are known as naturally cooling foods. The pungent flavor of radish is considered highly effective in decreasing excess heat within the body. In the eastern medicine science, use of red radish in meals is advised to protect the body from the effect of the heat during hot seasons.

24. Has A High Water Content

Red radishes have high water content and are packed with lots of zinc, phosphorus and vitamin C that is good for the nourishment of your tissues.
The high water content keeps your body hydrated keeping you looking fresh and energetic, even on a long and hot day.

25. Treats Insect Bites

White radish provides a wonderful cure for issues like insect bites and bee stings as it helps in lessening the pain from the affected area and also has anti-inflammatory properties due to which it relieves the swelling resulted due to the sting or bite.

26. Bone Health

Radish seeds can promote the formation and strengthening of bones. The seeds contain high amounts of calcium. Calcium is crucial for the formation of bones and radish seeds provide a regular supply of this mineral.
Well, that was all about the benefits of eating radish. Let’s move on to the next section to know how they can help improve your skin!

Skin Benefits Of Radish

Healthy and clear skin is just a radish away! Find out what are radish benefits for skin:

27. Provides Hydration To The Skin

Radishes have good water content. This helps in keeping your body well hydrated all the time resulting in a healthy and well-hydrated skin. It fights dry and flaky skin too.

28. Helps Prevent Skin Diseases

Radishes contain Vitamin C and antioxidants, which makes them quite effective in preventing skin diseases and inflammation. Regular inclusion of radishes in your diet results in healthy and radiant skin. Go for it today!

29. Provides Instant Freshness

Vitamin C, phosphorus, and zinc found in radishes, along with its water content, help keep your skin fresh for a longer duration.

30. Clears Skin

The high fiber content found in radishes help you get rid of all harmful toxins present in your body. This, in turn, results in a clear skin.

31. Works As A Natural Cleanser

Smashed raw radish can be used topically on your skin. It serves as a great natural cleanser and an effective face pack too.

32. Fights Skin Disorders

Radishes have great disinfectant properties. These help fight skin disorders. They can heal insect bites and stings. They can also cure pimples and acne.

Hair Benefits Of Radish

Including radish in your diet can even fetch you healthy hair. Let’s see how.

33. Fights Hair Fall

It is believed that regular consumption of radishes will help fight hair fall problems. In fact, the juice of black radish, when applied topically, is believed to stimulate hair growth. It strengthens your roots from within and prevents hair loss.

34. Eliminates Dandruff

Radishes can also fight dandruff problems. Make sure you include lots of radishes in your daily diet whether in the form of salads or main dishes. Rub your scalp with radish juice and cover with the help of a towel. After an hour, wash it thoroughly.

35. Shiny Hair

Radish juice is proven to impart shine to your hair. Always use fresh radish juice for best results.

36. Healthy Hair

Iron, found in radish, is essential for maintaining healthy hair. It helps improve the overall texture and health of your hair.

37. Stronger Roots And Scalp

The water content in radish keeps your body well hydrated. It also has cooling effects on your body. Regular consumption of radishes makes your roots stronger and your scalp healthier.


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