Health Benefits of Cabbage

Cabbage Benefits For Skin

Leafy greens are considered great for skin, and cabbage is no exception. Cabbage contains ‘indole-3-carbonile’ which is a powerful antioxidant. It is responsible for detoxifying your liver. This is beneficial for the skin as well because it removes the toxins, which if accumulated in the blood, cause dull and blemished skin. Thus, the skin benefits of eating cabbage are many.

1. Anti-Aging Benefits

Regular consumption of cabbage along with other cruciferous vegetables can provide anti-aging benefits to the skin. The rich amount of Vitamin C in this vegetable keeps the skin youthful and delays the aging process. Moreover, Vitamin A in cabbage juice works together with Vitamin D to make your skin clear and healthy. It also avoids the destruction of skin cells due to ultraviolet rays.

2. Healing Properties

Cabbage has excellent skin healing properties. When used as a poultice, cabbage is effective in curing skin eruptions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, rashes, insect bites, leg ulcers, and wounds. It helps cure arthritis as well. You can prepare the poultice by grating or processing some cabbage in a blender. Wrap the content mixed with some water in a cloth. Place it on the affected area for about 15 minutes. You can also crush the leaves and apply them directly on the affected areas. Regular application of this poultice, as well as eating cabbage, can help you heal faster.

3. Provides Flawless Skin

It is appreciable for its beautifying effects, and it also has a role in promoting healthy skin. If you are suffering from pimples or other skin irritations, cabbage can be the solution. All you need to do is to steam the upper leaves of cabbage and remove all the veins. Compress the leaves between a linen cloth and cotton to make them smooth and soft. Place the compress on the affected area overnight and experience spotless skin next morning.

4. Vitamin E Improves Skin Complexion

Its juice is also excellent for improving complexion. It has potassium in it which is instrumental in purifying your body and skin. The high levels of Vitamin A rejuvenate your tissues while sulfur helps in fighting the infection. Vitamin E is often used as an ingredient in skincare products and supplements. The ultimate result is glowing and fairer skin.

5. Sulfur Prevents Acne

Sulfur is considered as ‘Nature’s beauty mineral’. Because of its drying effect, it plays an important role in drying acne and breakouts. Moreover, it is vital for the synthesis of keratin, a protein substance that is essential for healthy hair, nails and skin. It also helps in cleansing your blood and removing bacteria and toxins from your body.

6. Cleansing Property

One of the best skin benefits of cabbage is that its juice is extremely effective in cleansing your body as cabbages are abundant in Vitamin C. If you are suffering from acne, drinking cabbage juice can help in clearing it up. Cabbage juice can also heal infected gums caused by gingivitis.

Hair Benefits Of Cabbage

Being loaded with nutrients such as vitamins, calcium, sulfur, iron, and magnesium, cabbage is equally beneficial for your hair. Some of the benefits of cabbage for hair are given below.

7. Stimulates Hair Growth

Just like other green vegetables, cabbage has a high content of Vitamin A. Vitamin A is an antioxidant that stimulates hair growth. Applying a mixture of boiled cabbage and freshly squeezed lemon juice on the scalp can facilitate hair growth. Mash ½ cup boiled cabbage and 1/8 cup fresh lemon juice in a blender to form a thick paste. Massage this mixture on your scalp, leave it for 30 minutes and then shampoo and condition your hair as usual. This can be done twice a week.

8. Smooth And Healthy Hair

Cabbage nourishes your hair, thus providing you with silky, shining hair. Apply its juice on your scalp and the roots of your hair. Shampoo your hair after an hour. This will make your hair smooth and silky.

9. Prevents Hair Loss

Raw cabbage and cucumber juices are rich in silicon and sulfur, two vital minerals that stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. Apply a mixture of 30 ml cabbage juice and 30 ml cucumber juice on your scalp and hair roots, massage thoroughly for 10-15 minutes before going to bed and wash off the next morning. This should be done thrice a week for maximum benefits.

10. Conditions Dry Hair

Eating raw cabbage or making it in juice form is also beneficial for dry hair as it makes it soft and shiny. Try drinking a mixture of 80 ml of raw carrot and cucumber juice and 40 ml of raw cabbage juice to get healthy and beautiful hair.

Health Benefits Of Cabbage

Here mentioned are some of the best cabbage health benefits.

11. Helps Prevent Cancer

There are many properties in cabbage that help fight cancer causing cells. These ingredients include diindolylmethane (DIM), sinigrin, lupeol, sulforaphane and indole 3 – carbinol (I3C). The sulforaphane and the I3C compounds are known to increase anti-cancer effects.

12. Immunity Booster

It has a very high content of Vitamin C. Thus cabbage helps in strengthening one’s immunity system and also assists in curbing free radicals.

13. Anti-inflammatory Properties

It is also very rich in amino acids which help fight inflammation.

14. Eliminates The Risk Of Cataract

The beta-carotene content in cabbage helps in prevention of macular degeneration of the eyes and thus, keeps cataract at bay.

15. Reduces Risk Of Alzheimer’s Disease

The latest research states that consuming cabbage, especially the red ones, can prevent Alzheimer’s. Vitamin K that is widely found in cabbage is responsible for this.

16. Cabbage For Ulcers

Peptic or stomach ulcers are healed by eating cabbage. Its juice has anti-ulcer properties owing to its high content of glutamine.

17. Cabbage Benefits Weight Loss

It is considered to be the best dish for those who constantly watch their weight. So, how many calories in cabbage? Well, an entire cup of cooked cabbage contains merely 33 calories. Thus, a cabbage soup diet would mean endless bowls with absolutely no weight gain.

18. Provides Relief From Constipation

Is cabbage good for constipation? Well, proper digestion is facilitated due to the presence of higher amounts of fiber in cabbage. This helps in providing relief from constipation.

19. Provides Relief From Sore Muscles

Lactic acid present in it is known to provide effective relief from sore muscles.

20. Encourages Proper Digestion

Dietary fiber is essential for proper digestion of food and Chinese cabbage contains a lot of that. When you eat this veggie, you consume enough of this nutrient and develop bulk inside your digestive tract. It eventually accelerates your digestion by removing unnecessary materials from our body.

21. Maintains Cardiovascular Health

Including Chinese cabbage or bok choy in your diet can be extremely beneficial for your heart. It is because the vegetable is full of two most important minerals – calcium and potassium, which can regulate the blood pressure levels efficiently. The amount of sodium present in it is also quite low, which is good for maintaining the health of the cardiac system.

22. Is Cabbage Good For Diabetics

Yes, absolutely! Potassium present in bok choy not only helps in treating hypertension, but it also takes part in keeping your blood sugar level under control. The mineral can also stimulate our mental well-being by relieving tension, stress and anxiety.

23. For Strong Bones And Teeth

Chinese cabbage keeps your bones and teeth strong with the help of calcium and vitamin K present in it. Besides, calcium is good for upkeeping the standard functionalities of the muscles and nerves. Conversely, vitamin k can facilitate the clotting of blood, thereby preventing hemorrhage.

24. Rich In Antioxidants

Like many other leafy green vegetables, Chinese cabbage is also rich in anti-oxidants. According to nutritionists, only one cup of this vegetable can satisfy almost 50% of the daily intake requirement of vitamin A and vitamin C. Both of these vitamins are crucial for curbing the adverse effects of free radicals on your body and keeping you free from a number of fatal diseases. In other words, you should have this vegetable regularly for conditioning the defense mechanisms of the body.

25. Cabbage During Pregnancy

It is a fabulous food for pregnant women. It has been seen that Chinese cabbage can meet the nutritional requirements of would-be mothers easily as it is high in folic acid. From providing nourishment to the fetus during pregnancy to promoting the production of milk during lactation, benefits of this vegetable is truly multifaceted.


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