Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Warts On Face, Neck, Hands & Fingers

Have you been ridiculed as a kid because of the weird wart that you have? You are all grown up now, but the memories still haunt you. You are still embarrassed and would absolutely love to get rid of your warts. Almost everyone develops a wart in their lifetime. It is very common skin condition among men, women, and even children.
While surgical removal or cryogenic removal is preferred by doctors, you can get rid of your warts by using everyday ingredients from your kitchen. We have compiled a list of the top home remedies for wart removal that you can start today.

What Are Warts?

Warts are small, round or oval growths on the skin that are caused due to a viral infection. They are usually painless and benign. They have a raised and rough surface. The color of the warts can be lighter, darker, or the same as your skin tone. At times, the warts can develop at tricky locations and cause pain, but this is a rare occurrence.

Where Do Warts Occur?

Warts are stubborn, unsightly growths that occur anywhere on your body. Common warts usually develop on the hands, whereas flat warts develop on the face. The warts found on the soles of your feet are called plantar warts. These can be painful too. Even the fingernails and toenails are not spared by the warts. These are called as subungual and periungual warts. The other location where warts can be found are the private parts. They can develop on or in your genitals, near the anus, and also on the inner thighs.

1. Tea Tree Oil For Warts

You Will Need
  • A few drops of tea tree oil
  • 2 tablespoons water
What You Have To Do
  1. Dilute the essential oil with water and apply on the affected area.
  2. Leave it to air-dry.
How Often Do You Need To Do This
Apply this five to six times during the day and also before going to bed.
Why This Works
Tea tree oil is a natural antiviral compound that can be used to treat warts. It gets easily absorbed by the skin and kills the virus that is causing the warts.

2. Oregano Oil For Warts

You Will Need
  • 1 teaspoon oregano oil
  • 8 teaspoons olive or coconut oil
What You Have To Do
  1. Mix the oregano oil in the carrier oil and store it in a small glass bottle.
  2. Apply a few drops of this oil on the wart and let it stay on.
You can also cover with a duct tape to fasten the process of removing the wart.
How Often Do You Need To Do This
Do this four to six times in a day.
Why This Works
Oregano oil contains carvacrol that has antiviral properties. Using this oil to treat warts is definitely a good choice.

3. Wart Removal Using Duct Tape

You Will Need
  • Duct tape
  • Pumice stone
What You Have To Do
  1. Place a piece of duct tape on the wart and keep it on until it falls off on its own.
  2. Then, scrub the affected area with a pumice stone to remove the last remnants of the warts.
How Often Do You Need To Do This
A single application should remove the wart effectively.
Why This Works
Yes, you read that right! Even doctors recommend this home therapy for getting rid of warts. Using duct tape will cut off the oxygen supply in that area, and thus help in shedding the wart.

4. Beetle Juice For Warts

You Will Need
  • Beetle juice
  • Duct tape
What You Have To Do
  1. Apply a few drops of beetle juice on the wart and cover with a duct tape.
  2. Keep the tape on for 12 hours.
How Often Do You Need To Do This
The entire wart or a part of it should fall off after 12 hours. You can repeat for another 12 hours, if required.
Why This Works
Also called as cantharidin, this extract is obtained from the blister beetle. With an 80% cure rate, this home remedy is the go-to solution. It kills the skin cells within the wart and causes shedding.

5. Banana Peel Wart Removal

You Will Need
Banana peel
What You Have To Do
  1. Rub the wart with a banana peel for a few minutes.
  2. You can also place the peel directly on the wart and keep it in place using an adhesive bandage.
How Often Do You Need To Do This
Repeat this every day. This home remedy can take weeks, so have patience.
Why This Works
It is one of the best remedies to get rid of warts without having to go to a doctor. The enzymes in the banana peel heal and rejuvenate the skin wart. It also possesses antimicrobial properties.

6. Coconut Oil For Warts

You Will Need
Virgin coconut oil
What You Have To Do
  1. Lightly heat the coconut oil and apply on the warts.
  2. Massage for a few minutes so that the oil absorbed by the skin.
  3. Do not rinse after massaging.
How Often Do You Need To Do This
Do this regularly twice or thrice a day.
Why This Works
Coconut oil helps to cure plantar warts, facial warts, and even genital warts. The medium-chain fatty acids present in coconut oil have antimicrobial effects and will remove the wart easily on regular application of the oil. Coconut oil also acts as an emollient and soothes the skin.

7. Garlic For Warts

You Will Need
A few cloves of garlic
What You Have To Do
  1. Peel and crush a few cloves of garlic. Rub the paste on the affected area.
  2. You can also consume it orally.
How Often Do You Need To Do This
Do this daily until the wart is removed.
Why This Works
Garlic, on account of its allicin content, exhibits strong antimicrobial activity against a wide range of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites. It will easily kill the virus causing the warts, making it a superior wart medicine.

8. Castor Oil For Warts

You Will Need
Castor oil
What You Have To Do
  1. Rub the affected area with castor oil for a few minutes.
  2. Leave it on.
How Often Do You Need To Do This
Apply this oil twice or thrice a day.
Why This Works
This will take anywhere from a few weeks to a month to yield results, but you will be able to get rid of the warts for sure. Castor oil has antiviral properties that will kill the wart virus. Apart from this, it also has anti-inflammatory properties and is rich in antioxidants.

9. Frankincense Oil For Warts

You Will Need
  • Frankincense oil
  • Bandage
What You Have To Do
  1. Clean the wart area and apply a drop of the essential oil.
  2. Cover with the bandage.
  3. Change the bandage every day and reapply a drop of the oil while changing.
How Often Do You Need To Do This
Repeat this for a week.
Why This Works
This oil boosts your immune system when ingested. When applied topically, it can remove scars, warts, and moles effectively. It has anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties.

10. Turmeric For Warts

You Will Need
  • Turmeric powder
  • Water
What You Have To Do
  1. Mix the turmeric powder with water to make a paste.
  2. Apply this paste on the wart and leave it on for 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse with water. You can rub a slice of lemon over the area to get rid of the turmeric coloring.
How Often Do You Need To Do This
Apply this once or twice a day.
Why This Works
Turmeric is extremely beneficial when applied topically. Its antimicrobial properties will kill the infection and remove the warts.

11. Potato For Wart Removal

You Will Need
Raw potato
What You Have To Do
Take a peeled slice of a raw potato and rub it vigorously on the warts.
How Often Do You Need To Do This
Do this a few times every day.
Why This Works
The acids in the potato juice will dehydrate and kill the virus causing the warts. You will see your warts getting smaller in two to three weeks.

12. Neem Oil For Warts

You Will Need
  • 1-2 drops neem oil
  • Bandage
What You Have To Do
  1. Apply the oil on the wart and cover with bandage.
  2. Change the bandage and apply fresh oil every day.
How Often Do You Need To Do This
Repeat this till the wart falls off.
Why This Works
Neem oil has strong antiviral properties that kill the virus and also do not let it spread any further. Once the infection is cleared, the wart will shed.

13. Clove Oil For Warts

You Will Need
  • Clove oil
  • Band-aid
What You Have To Do
Apply the oil on the wart and cover with the band-aid.
How Often Do You Need To Do This
Repeat this once every day till the wart shrinks.
Why This Works
The eugeniin component of clove oil is responsible for its antiviral property. It inhibits the reproduction process of the virus and eliminates the infection.

14. Lavender Oil For Warts

You Will Need
Lavender oil
What You Have To Do
Apply a drop or two on the wart and let it air-dry.
How Often Do You Need To Do This
Apply this twice a day.
Why This Works
Lavender oil heals the infection and also soothes the skin.

15. Nail Polish For Warts

You Will Need
  • Clear nail polish
  • Nail polish remover
What You Have To Do
  1. Apply a thick coat of the nail polish on the wart and let it dry.
  2. Clean using a nail polish remover after a few hours.
How Often Do You Need To Do This
Repeat this every few hours.
Why This Works
When coated with the nail polish, the oxygen supply to the wart is restricted. This suffocates and kills the virus, just like the duct tape method.

16. Thyme Oil For Warts

You Will Need
  • 1 drop thyme oil
  • 1 drop carrier oil
  • Warm water
What You Have To Do
  1. Soak the affected area in the warm water for 10 to 15 minutes.
  2. Pat dry and apply a mixture of the thyme oil and carrier oil.
  3. Let it air-dry.
How Often Do You Need To Do This
Repeat this every 24 hours.
Why This Works
Thyme oil has been tested in the lab for its virucidal activity and it has been proven to successfully kill the virus.


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