Home Remedies For Headache

I. Essential Oils

Essential oils are your best bet to beat a nagging headache, be it a sinus headache or a tension headache. These oils help to expand and contract the vessels, which increases blood flow and quickly reduces the pain from a headache. They also possess soothing and calming effects.
You should get instant relief from the pain with essential oils.

1. Peppermint Oil

This essential oil is widely known for its soothing and calming effects on the skin due to the presence of menthol, making it a good choice for treating headaches. When applied directly on the forehead, it helps stimulate blood flow to the brain and inhibits muscle contractions.
Headache Type – Trust peppermint oil to treat headaches caused by tension. It is also highly effective for sinus headache relief.
What You Need
  • 1 to 2 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 1 teaspoon of carrier oil (olive oil or coconut oil)
What You Need To Do
Mix the two oils and massage your forehead in circular motions with the mixture. Repeat the process after a couple of hours if the pain resurfaces.
Tip: You can drop a few drops of peppermint oil on your pillow before you go to bed for a tension-free sleep.

2. Lavender Oil

This sweet and soothing essential oil is known to relieve anxiety, depression, stress, and nerve related insomnia, thus effectively curing anxiety and stress-related headaches.
Lavender essential oil has linalyl acetate and linalool, which get easily absorbed in the system and reduce painful headaches. This oil is safe to be used by both pregnant ladies and young children due to its mild nature.
Headache Type – This oil is considered to be the perfect solution for migraines and hormonal type of headaches.
What You Need
1 to 2 drops of lavender essential oil
What You Need To Do
You can utilize this oil in a variety of ways, including diffusion, inhalation, and topical usage. Massage this oil safely on your temples and neck, and sleep well to get relief from the throbbing pain.
Tip: For a stronger effect, you can prepare a steam treatment by adding a couple of drops of the lavender essential oil to a small pot of boiling water. Inhale the steam in deep and slow breaths for 15 minutes.

 3. Basil Oil

This oil relieves the tension in the muscles when used topically. Basil oil treats headaches by relieving the pressure on the head muscles and relaxing them.
Headache Type – This oil cures tension headaches and migraines.
What You Need
  • 1 to 2 drops of basil essential oil
  • 1 teaspoon of any carrier oil of your choice
What You Need To Do
  1. Mix the essential oil with the carrier oil.
  2. With the help of a cotton ball or your fingers, apply the oil on your forehead and temples. You can also apply the oil on your scalp and the back of the neck.
  3. Leave it on for a few hours for best results.
You should get instant relief from the pain with the essential oil. You can repeat it once again after a couple of hours if the pain resurfaces.

4. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Another good essential oil to treat a stubborn headache is eucalyptus essential oil. This oil has expectorant, anti-inflammatory, and pain milling qualities, thus making it an ideal headache remedy.
Headache Type – This oil is known to treat sinus and tension headaches.
What You Need
  • 5 to 6 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
  • A big bowl of hot water
What You Need To Do
  1. Add the essential oil to a bowl of hot water and let it dissolve completely.
  2. Cover your head, neck, and shoulders with a towel and lean over the bowl.
  3. Inhale the steam for at least five minutes for getting relief from congestion.
You can repeat this if the pain resurfaces. This process will help open clogged sinuses, thus relieving headache.

5. Rosemary Essential Oil

Being naturally analgesic and anti-inflammatory in nature enables rosemary essential oil to be a good cure for headaches. It is a gentle and soothing essential oil that can alleviate pain in no time.
Headache Type – This oil is well suited for curing sinus as well as hormonal headaches.
What You Need
2 to 3 drops of rosemary essential oil
What You Need To Do
  1. Put a few drops of rosemary essential oil in your palms and cup them gently over your nose and mouth.
  2. Breathe in and out deeply for 30 seconds.
Tip: If you are too worried about coming directly in contact with the essential oil, you can dab the oil on a cotton ball or a handkerchief and hold it in for 30-45 seconds.

6. Lemon Citrus Oil

Owing to its sharp and refreshing aroma, lemon citrus oil has time and again proved to work wonders in curing terrible headaches. This watery and pale greenish-yellow essential oil is good for treating colds, sore throats, stress, depression, loss of energy, and fatigue.
Headache Type – You can use lemon citrus oil for treating all types of headaches, including migraines, sinus or tension-type.
What You Need
  • 8 to 10 drops of lemon citrus essential oil
  • A diffuser machine
What You Need To Do
Diffuse this oil for the entire night to get relief from congestion and headaches.

7. Geranium Oil

This sweet essential oil is utilized for calming and relaxing our tensed mind as well as body.
Headache Type – This oil is good for treating hormonal and tension-type headaches.
What You Need
8 to 10 drops of geranium essential oil
What You Need To Do
You can go for a bath made with geranium essential oil for quick relief from headaches, stress, and tension. Just add 8 -10 drops of this essential oil to your bath and enjoy the soothing experience.
Tip: You can even diffuse this oil overnight to tame raging headaches.

8. Helichrysum Essential Oil

Another effective headache remedy is to use helichrysum essential oil. This oil carries excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, making it effective to soothe tensed muscles and nerves.
Headache Type – Use helichrysum essential oil to cure tension-type headaches.
What You Need
  • A washcloth
  • 2-3 drops of helichrysum essential oil
  • A cup of cold water
What You Need To Do
  1. Begin the process by adding a few drops of the essential oil to a cup of cold water.
  2. Dip the washcloth into the cup and use it as a cold compress on your forehead and neck for good results.
Note: Avoid getting this water in your eyes as it may sting. If it goes in by mistake, it is better to use cream or milk. Washing your eyes in this situation will worsen the condition.

9. Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Roman chamomile essential oil is an excellent remedy to get rid of stress-related headaches because of its effectiveness in reducing neuralgic pain.
Headache Type – Works best for tension-type headaches.
What You Need
  • 1 to 2 drops of Roman chamomile oil
  • 8-10 drops of a base oil like jojoba oil or olive oil
What You Need To Do
  1. Add the essential oil to the base oil and gently massage your temples, neck, shoulders, chest, and belly with it, preferably before bathing.
  2. Keep it on for 10-15 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.
Tip: You can also inhale the essential oil directly or by using a handkerchief.

10. Flaxseed Oil

This variety of essential oil is good for headaches caused by inflammation. Flaxseed oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are anti-inflammatory in nature and reduce that throbbing pain.
Headache Type – This oil is good for migraine headaches.
What You Need
  • 1 to 2 drops of flaxseed essential oil
  • 1 teaspoon of carrier oil like coconut oil or jojoba oil
What You Need To Do
Massage your body and temples gently with this mix for quick relief. Wash the oil off after 20 minutes.

II. Herbal Teas

witching your cola with herbal teas can also help in curing headaches.

11. Rosemary Tea With Thyme Or Sage

Beginning your day with a cup of rosemary tea is definitely a good option to beat that throbbing pain.
Rosemary has anti-inflammatory properties that will alleviate pain . Sage has antibiotic and antioxidant properties, whereas thyme has antiviral, antifungal, and antibiotic properties. Not only will you feel refreshed and hydrated, but you will also find the headache has either vanished or greatly reduced.
You Will Need
  • A handful of rosemary leaves
  • A handful of thyme or sage leaves
  • Water
  • Sweetener of your choice
What You Need To Do
  1. Steep the herbs in boiling water for a couple of minutes.
  2. Strain the decoction and add the sweetener. Drink two to three cups of this warm herbal tea in a day for good results.

12. Basil-Honey Tea

Tension headaches can be treated effectively by consuming basil. This herb will relax and soothe your nerves and help you combat a stubborn headache. Lemon and honey take away the pungency of the basil and are relaxing for the body.
You Will Need
  • A few basil leaves
  • Hot water
  • A few drops of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
What You Need To Do
  1. Add basil leaves to a cup of boiling water and let them soak for a few minutes.
  2. Strain the tea to obtain the decoction.
  3. To this, add the lemon juice and honey.
  4. Sip while the tea is hot. It is advised to have two to three cups in a day.

13. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea contains compounds that help reduce the pain and relax your mind. Bisabolol found in this tea has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. This is a wonderful remedy for migraines.
You Will Need
  • 1 chamomile tea bag
  • Hot water
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
What You Need To Do
  1. Add the tea bag to a cup of hot water. Let it steep for 10 minutes.
  2. Add honey to this and mix well. This step is not mandatory.
  3. Drink the hot tea slowly while resting in a less noisy and quiet spot.

14. Feverfew Tea

Several theories suggest that your head begins to pound as the blood vessels begin to expand and put pressure on the nerves. This potent herb is said to relax the tension in your blood vessels while also constricting them, thus easing the pain and reducing inflammation.
You Will Need
  • 1 oz of dried feverfew flowers
  • 1 pint of water
What You Need To Do
  1. Add the dried flowers to the water and boil.
  2. Let it steep for 15 minutes. Strain and drink it while it is hot.

15. Green Tea

The caffeine present in green tea improves blood flow in the brain, thus giving relief from a headache. It also stimulates the nervous systems and removes free radicals from the body.
You Will Need
  • Green tea leaves or a tea bag
  • Hot water
What You Need To Do
  1. Steep the leaves or tea bag in a cup of boiling water for a few minutes.
  2. Strain the decoction and sip while it is still hot.
  3. You can add a few drops of lemon juice and some honey for taste. Drink three to four cups of green tea daily for a healthy body and mind.

16. Ginger Root Tea

Ginger helps in reducing migraine headaches. It also helps to overcome the nausea that often follows these agonizing headaches. This homemade remedy reduces your headache in about the same time as it would take aspirin to work. Plus, it’s ginger root. Hence, you don’t have to worry about the risk of an overdose.
You Will Need
  • 4 small-sized slices of ginger root
  • 3 cups of water
What You Need To Do
  1. Mildly crush the ginger pieces and add them to simmering water.
  2. Cover the water vessel with a lid and let the ginger steep for 30 minutes.
  3. Strain the decoction and drink while it’s hot. You can have one to two cups a day. The first cup should give you instant relief from a migraine.
  4. III. Fruits & Vegetables

    If there are food items that can cause headaches, there are also the ones that can help relieve headaches and prevent them from developing in the long run. Here is the list of the good foods for quick relief.

    17. Apple Cider Vinegar

    Apple cider vinegar or ACV is slowly taking over a large section of home remedies because of its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal properties. The daily intake of ACV ensures acid-alkaline balance in the body.
    ACV works wonders for curing headaches too.
    What You Need
    • 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar
    • A glass of warm water
    What You Need To Do
    All you need is to do is have a glass of water with two teaspoons of ACV, at least thrice a day.
     Tip: You can even use the vaporizing method by heating equal quantities of ACV and water in a pan and directly inhaling the vapors.

    18. Ginger

  5. The compounds present in ginger, namely gingerols, shogaols, paradols, and zingerone, have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger also stimulates muscle contraction. All these factors work together to effectively give fast relief from headaches.
     You Will Need
    • 1-2 tablespoons of dry ginger powder
    • Water
    What You Need To Do
    1. Mix the ginger powder with the water to make a paste.
    2. Apply this paste on your forehead and leave it for 15-20 minutes.
    Tip: You can also add ginger powder to hot water and inhale the vapors.

     19. Almonds

  6. Salicin present in almonds acts as a natural aspirin, the pain relieving medicine. Almonds also contain magnesium, which is usually lacking in migraine patients. Just grab some almonds the next time you get a headache for quick relief.
    You Will Need
    A handful of almonds (raw or roasted)
    What You Need To Do
    When you feel a headache kicking in, eat a handful of almonds.
    This remedy works well if you eat almonds in the initial stages of the headache.
    Caution: If you suffer from migraines, make sure almonds are not one of your trigger foods.

     20. Fish Oil

  7. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids that are widely known for their anti-inflammatory properties. The regular consumption of this beneficial oil reduces the severity and frequency of migraines.
    You Will Need
    1000 mg fish oil supplements
    What You Need To Do
    Take one tablet of the supplement every day.
    Continue taking the supplements for a couple of weeks for long term relief from migraines.
    Caution: Pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding, and children should only take fish oil supplements after consulting a doctor.

     21. Salt

  8. Himalayan pink salt is the most wholesome of all salts, and is extremely rich minerals and electrolytes. It replenishes the electrolytes in the body and reduces the severity of the headache. It also strengthens the immune system and increases energy levels.
     You Will Need
    • 1 teaspoon of Himalayan salt (also called rock salt)
    • 1 lemon
    • A glass of water
    What You Need To Do
    1. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and add it to the water.
    2. To this, add the Himalayan salt and mix well. Drink this water.

     22. Cayenne Pepper

  9. Cayenne pepper can help treat both inflammation and pain. Capsaicin, an ingredient in cayenne, is said to inhibit pain perception.
     You Will Need
    • 1/2 teaspoon of finely ground cayenne pepper
    • 4 oz of warm water
    • Cotton swab
    What You Need To Do
    1. Dilute the cayenne pepper in water.
    2. Soak a cotton swab in it and gently apply it to the insides of the nostril.
    3. It will burn, but when the burning sensation subsides, your headache will be gone.

     23. Lemon

  10. Lemon is not only refreshing and energizing, but it also has vital anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it an excellent remedy to get rid of headaches.
    You Will Need
    • Lemon crusts
    • Water
    What You Need To Do
    1. Pound the lemon crusts and mix with water to make a paste.
    2. Apply this paste on the forehead and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
    You can also cut a fresh lemon in half and rub it on your forehead and temples. Another alternative would be to squeeze the juice from half a lemon into your cup of herbal tea and drink it.

    24. Betel Leaves

  11. The components of betel leaves have cooling, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Camphor is a common component of pain-relieving ointments. It is an analgesic and is also extremely soothing for the mind.
    You Will Need
    • 4-5 betel leaves
    • A few drops of camphor essential oil
    • Water
    What You Need To Do
    1. Gently grind the betel leaves with the water and add the camphor oil to this mixture.
    2. Apply this extract to your temples and forehead, and leave it on for 10-15 minutes.
    You can also directly place the betel leaves on your temples.

    25. Buckwheat

    Buckwheat is rich in antioxidants, and this enables it to work well against all types of headaches. These antioxidants are able to protect our cells and body from the damage caused by a flavonoid called rutin, a phytochemical that is known to be the reason for migraines. Buckwheat is anti-inflammatory and analgesic in nature as well.
    It is generally advised to have buckwheat regularly to treat even the most stubborn migraines.

     26. Baked Potato

    Consuming baked potato can tame alcohol-related headaches.
    Alcohol, being a diuretic, causes a huge loss of water as well as essential electrolytes like potassium in the body. This is the sole reason for getting a huge headache the morning after.
    You can get rid of this throbbing pain by taking a potassium -rich diet. Baked potato is a very good source of potassium (721 mg per 100 g), making it a top option for hangover headaches.

    27. Watermelon

    Dehydration is one of the main causes of a bad headache. This can be cured by consuming water-rich foods like watermelon.
    This light and tasty fruit is 80% water and is a good source of essential minerals like magnesium, which helps in relieving headaches.
    You can consume this fruit in a variety of ways – a cool watermelon smoothie or a salad. Adding a dash of ginger enhances the wonderful effects of watermelon, reducing nausea caused by the headache.

    28. Coffee

    Having a cup of coffee can help in treating a bad headache.
    Caffeine present in the coffee is a vasoconstrictor, i.e., it reduces the size of the blood vessels. This, in a way, helps alleviate the pain.
    Note: Don’t go overboard with this beverage as coffee is also a diuretic and its overconsumption can lead to dehydration.

    29. Whole Grain Toast

    A low-carb diet can also cause headaches.
    Our body needs a balanced amount of glycogen to work well. A low-carb diet leads to a decrease in the glycogen levels in the body, which drains our energy and causes headaches.
    Having a whole grain toast will surely help in treating a headache, without adding extra flab. It boosts your energy levels and relieves you from the excruciating pain.
  12. IV. Herbs For Headaches

    30. Henna

  13. The cooling properties of henna make it beneficial in treating headaches caused by heat, fever, or the sun. Crush a handful of henna leaves and make a paste using a tablespoon of vinegar. Apply this mixture on your forehead and let it dry well. Henna has significant anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic, and antipyretic properties, which make it very effective against headaches.

    31. Passionflower

    As the name suggests, this calming herb helps people who get worked up easily. Passionflower is used to pacify conditions like anxiety and insomnia that lead to tension-type headaches.

    32. Black Cohosh

    This North American herb has a history of being used to cure rheumatism. But, did you know it can also be utilized to treat depression-related headaches?
    Note: As black cohosh exhibits similar effects like estrogen, mostly women benefit out of it. Men should take it in small quantities for a limited period.

    33. White Willow Bark

    White willow bark has analgesic properties, making it effective to relieve headaches. But this herb only masks the pain, and does nothing to address the underlying cause of the headache. So, it is better to take white willow bark with another set of herbs like lettuce to cure the pain.

    34. Butterbur

    An active member of the daisy family, Butterbur has been used as an herbal remedy for headache since time immemorial. Some Butterbur species have chemicals that lower the inflammatory effects and work as beta blockers, ensuring proper blood flow to the brain. This, in turn, helps in controlling the spasmodic capillary action, which is the true cause of migraines. The roots of the butterbur plant are known to contain the highest content of these chemicals.
    Note: Even though the ideal dosage of butterbur for an adult is 50-100 milligrams twice a day, I suggest you consult your doctor before consuming it. Also, go for a brand that is PA-free, which ensures safety when it comes to processing of this herb.

    35. Feverfew

  14. This herb is known worldwide to be an herbal cure for migraines. Feverfew contains parthenolide that works as a pain reliever, relaxing the tensed nerves and blood vessels, and reducing the painful pressure in them.
    What You Need
    • 30 grams dried feverfew flowers
    • ½ liter boiling water
    What You Need To Do
    1. Add dried feverfew flowers to water and let it steep for 10 minutes.
    2. Strain and drink half a cup twice daily to get relief from headache.
    Caution: Feverfew can cause minor side effects like canker sores, nausea, and bloating. Discontinuing this drink can lead to insomnia, pain, or even headaches. Pregnant women, people taking blood thinning medications, and those allergic to the daisy family should totally avoid using feverfew.

    36. Blue Vervain

    This herb is considered to be perfect for stress and tension-type headaches as it has a restorative effect on the nervous system. It also has pain relieving qualities.

    37. Skullcap

    Skullcap has antispasmodic properties and is known to relax tensed nerves, making it a perfect cure for tension-type headaches. This herb also acts as a mild sedative.

    38. Sage

    This popular culinary herb can also be used to alleviate cluster type headaches, those caused by having very heavy meals, and hormonal type headaches. It ensures proper blood flow to the brain and reduces pain.
    Note: If taken in a huge dosage, sage can help easing tension-type headaches.

    39. Lemon Balm

    Lemon balm is well known for its calming and soothing properties (75). These makes this herb an ideal remedy for tension and anxiety-type headaches. It also works as a mild sedative.

    40. Borage

  15. Borage is considered to be one of the best herbs to relieve stress and nervous tension. Its soothing property makes it perfect to treat tension-type headaches.

    41. Catnip

    This highly safe herb is an amazing sedative and helps in quick relief from stress and tension-type headaches. Catnip can also help tackle migraines when taken in strong doses. This herb is safe for kids and has no side effects.

    42. Horseradish

    Horseradish roots, a good nasal and sinus decongestant, work well in dealing with sinus type headaches. Drink horseradish juice daily to get relief from a sinus headache.
    The raw leaves of this plant are considered to be a good analgesic, so just press them on your forehead to numb the pain.

    43. Lemon Verbena

    Another herb of the calming variety, lemon verbena is also used to cure tension-type headaches. This herb also contains vitamin C in abundance, giving it the upper hand in curing really bad headaches in no time.

    44. Valerian

    Known to be a strong sedative and even stronger pain reliever, Valerian helps heal our nervous system and soothes stress and anxiety. Include valerian in your tea or drinks to get rid of the annoying tension-type headaches.

    45. Coriander Seeds

    A very popular spice and herb, coriander seeds have been an important part Ayurveda for ages. These practices state that coriander seeds are good to relieve sinus type headaches since they are decongestants. Pour some hot water over fresh coriander seeds and inhale the steam to open clogged sinuses.

    46. Dong Quai

    A popular Asian herb, Dong Quai has been a part of Japanese, Korean and Chinese households as a spice and tonic since ages. This root belongs to the same family as that of carrots and parsley and is known to be an effective remedy for tension and hormonal types of headaches.

    47. Honeysuckle

  16. It has been found that honeysuckle’s leaves, stems, and flowers carry anti-inflammatory properties, making it an effective painkiller for migraines and other types of headaches. It is said to provide pain relief similar to aspirin, without any side effects.

    48. Mullein

    This herb has been popular in Europe and Asia for thousands of years for its anti-inflammatory properties and quick action against spasms and migraines. You can reduce the leaves and flowers of this plant into capsules and dried preparations for relief from severe migraines. The tinctures of the plant are used in homeopathic remedies for migraines.

    49. Yarrow

    Yarrow is known to possess anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and antimicrobial properties, which may provide relief to migraine patients. It can be used in a variety of ways, including dosages, capsules, and tinctures.

    50. Teaberry

    Also known as wintergreen, this North American herb has been long used as a folk medicine for migraines. It has also been used as a stimulant to ward off fatigue. Use teaberry in teas, massage oils, and tinctures to treat the most stubborn headache.

    51. Betony

    The mildly sedative nature of betony is used to cure migraines, tension, and hormonal type headaches effectively. When used with lime flowers and comfrey, betony also helps to alleviate sinus headaches and congestion within no time.

    52. Evodia

    This Chinese origin herb is popular for the treatment of pains, blood pressure, and headaches since first century A.D. Evodia has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties that may help to ease migraine pain.
  17. 53. Stay Hydrated

  18. Dehydration is a major cause of headaches. Add to it stress and coffee consumption, and you encounter pounding headaches that refuse to abate. As soon as you sense the signs of an oncoming headache, drink a large glass of water and keep sipping water throughout the day. Trust me, your headache will gradually decrease and finally be gone.

    54. Detox Bath

    A detox bath will rid your body of various toxins and relax your muscles.
    What You Need
    • One cup baking soda/ Two cups of apple cider vinegar (ACV)
    • Hot bath water
    • 8-10 drops of your favorite essential oil
    What You Need To Do
    Adding baking soda to your bath water will kill bacteria and leave your skin clean and smooth. This handy and inexpensive product doesn’t irritate your skin, which makes it a safe yet effective option.
    ACV will draw excess uric acid from the body, relieving your headache. Mixing essential oils, especially those that have calming and soothing properties, will work best in relaxing your tensed muscles and curing headaches.

    55. Foot Soak

  19. Soaking your extremities in warm water will draw blood to them, and this will ease up the blood vessels in the head. The mustard in the soak will help eliminate toxins from the feet and hands.
    You Will Need
    • Hot water
    • 2 tablespoons of mustard
    • A tub
    What You Need To Do
    1. Add the mustard powder to the water and soak your hands and feet in it for 20-30 minutes.
    2. You could add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for an even more soothing effect.
    You can also put an ice pack on the back of your neck while you soak your hands and feet.

    56. Breathing Exercises

  20. Our stressful lifestyle tenses up the muscles in our body, especially in the head and neck regions. This often leads to a painful and throbbing headache. The extra tension that has built up can be released easily by practicing basic breathing exercises from yoga, or by just calming the nerves through meditation.
    What You Need To Do
    Practice breathing exercises on a regular basis to prevent headaches.
    When Do You Have To Do This
    A daily routine is recommended for long-lasting effects.

    57. Hot Or Cold Therapy

    Headaches are caused when the muscles and blood vessels in your head begin to contract. By applying an ice pack, these muscles and blood vessels cool down and relax. This slows the blood flow, reduces inflammation, and alleviates the pain. When heat is applied, the blood flow increases, and this helps reduce the pain.
    You Will Need
    Ice pack or heat compress
    What You Need To Do
    1. Place the ice pack or hot compress on your forehead or the back of your head for 15 minutes, or until the pain subsides.
    2. If you do not have an ice pack, you can wrap a few ice cubes in a cloth and apply on the area that is paining.
    3. Similarly, if you do not have a hot compress, you can use a small towel dipped in hot water.

    58. Yoga

    Doing yoga is a healthy practice to keep your body free from any type of tension and relieve tension-type headaches. It teaches you how to clear your mind and keep yourself away from the built-up stress that can reduce work efficiency.
    Yoga loosens tensed muscles, improves respiration, and increases muscle strength, providing a healthy circulatory system. Many poses, such as Downward Facing Dog Pose or Child’s Pose, are best to get rid of that annoying headache.

    59. Meditation

    Indulging in mind-body practices like meditation is considered to be one of the most effective measures against headaches. It also helps alleviate the most chronic pains within a few days.
    Doing regular meditation may lead to an increase in the functioning of the part of the brain responsible for relaxing the blood vessels. This reduces the stress levels, which in turn helps in easing tension-type headaches.
    Yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises supply the body with plenty of oxygen and relieve the tense muscles. This reduces the intensity of the headache and also lessens its frequency.

    60. Stretching And Moving

    Sitting in front of the system for a long time can lead to an increase in body tension, paving the way for a tension-type headache. Take a break every hour and do some simple stretches. Simply moving from one place to other is also an effective option. Move your head and wrists in a circular motion to relieve developing tension in the body.


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