
Cell is very small unit of our body. Generally, unusual growth of called as cancer. Therefore “A group of disease characterized by uncontrolled unwanted and abnormal growth of tissue is called cancer”. , There are more than 200 kinds of cancer. Due to abnormal growth of cell it harms to other parts of body which may affects the healthy cell. Due to this healthy cell do not get nutrients which make them weak & spread from one cell to other cell. This cancer affected tissue resists the normal function of respiratory system parts, nervous system parts, etc. which may cause death. Cancer could be in any parts of our body.
        Generally, breast cancer, uterine cancer, etc. are seen in women & lungs cancer, prostate gland cancer in man. Mouth cancer is very common on both man & women. If cancer treated an time on time then it could be cure but if not it may cause death. According to harness, it may divided into 3 types:-
1.    Tumor – Unwanted collected of tissue,
2.    Benign – Relatively harmless,
3.    Malignant – Dangerous/harmful & may cause death,

There were two type of cause cancer which were explained below:

  Environmental Factor :
     1.    Tobacco – Tobacco has tonic element nicotine may cause Larynx,                  Pharynx, kidney cancer, etc.
     2.    Alcohol – Alcohol may cause oesophagus cancer  and liver cancer,
     3.    Dietry Factors – smoked fish meat: stomach cancer, low in take of fiber       intestinal cancer, high fat diet breast cancer,
     4.   Occupational Situation – Dust, dirt, smoke, etc. Of industry, Radiation           producing factories,
     5.   Viruses – Hepatitis “B” virus caused liver cancer & Epstein bar virus             caused Lymph cancer,
     6.    Parasites – Schistosomiasis is a parasite which may cause urinary                 bladder cancer,
     7.    Life Style – Our daily life style alcoholism, chewing time, etc. May               cause cancer,
     8.    Sexual Behavior – Forcely to make women to use temporary                         contraceptive device case uterine cervix cancer,
     9.    Radiation – X-ray, atomic explosives may cause skin cancer,
   Genetic Factors: Cancer is not communicable disease but something it may show the character of heredity disease. So some cancer may be transfer for  example If mother had breast cancer then possibility in daughter also.
   Sign and Symptoms:
    Cancer signs & symptoms depend upon affected parts of cancer but similar / common symptoms were given below:
  •         Enlargement of tissues /body parts,
  •       Abnormal growth of tissue.
  •     Lose of weight without any cause,
  •    Collected of tissues on breast,
  •         Digestive system problem,
  •         Long time cough.
  •         Abnormal hemorrhage, etc.

Prevention and Control:
v Control chewing tobacco & Drinking alcohol,
v We should care our personal cleanliness,
v Control radiation,
v Provide Hepatitis – B  vaccine,
v Eat healthy & nutrients food,
v Control air pollution,
v Legislation for controlling Tobacco & air pollution,

v Provide education against cancer.


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