Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Pimples

1. Toothpaste Remedy To Get Rid Of Pimples

  • Toothpaste
  • Cotton swab
How To Prepare
You can use the toothpaste as it is.
How To Apply
Using the cotton swab, apply a generous layer of toothpaste on the pimple.
How Does It Help
Toothpaste dries out the pimples and reduces their healing time. Its antibacterial properties play a vital role in eliminating the bacteria that cause pimples. This can be used for pimples on the face and also on the body, like the legs and arms.
Time Duration
Leave the toothpaste on overnight.
Use white toothpaste, not a gel-based one.
Most Suitable For
Oily, normal, and combination skin

2. Essential Oils For Pimples

(a) Frankincense Essential Oil For Pimples

  • 1-2 drops frankincense oil
  • Cotton bud
How To Prepare
You can use undiluted frankincense oil directly on the skin.
How To Apply
Dip the cotton bud into the oil and apply it over the pimple and also around it.
How Does It Help
Frankincense oil reduces the inflammation and also kills the bacteria. It tones the skin and promotes the growth of healthy cells. Use this essential oil to get rid of that stubborn pimple on your forehead.
Time Duration
Leave the oil on overnight.
Do a patch test before you use any essential oil, especially if you have sensitive skin.
Most Suitable For
All skin types

(b) Peppermint Essential Oil For Pimples

  • A few drops of peppermint oil
  • 1 teaspoon vitamin E oil
How To Prepare
Mix the essential oil with the vitamin E oil.
How To Apply
Apply the mixture directly on the zit and let it get absorbed into the skin.
How Does It Help
It diminishes the redness and swelling and also acts as an astringent. Its antimicrobial properties clear the infection causing the pimples . You can use this oil to treat entire sections of your face, like the forehead or the cheeks, which are affected by pimples.
Time Duration
Leave the oil on for a few hours and then reapply.
Do a patch test before you use any essential oil, especially if you have sensitive skin.
Most Suitable For
All skin types

(c) Lavender Essential Oil For Pimples

A few drops of lavender essential oil
How To Prepare
This oil can be used undiluted.
How To Apply
Apply a drop on the pimple and leave it on.
How Does It Help
Lavender oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties. It also contains a few antioxidants that quicken the healing process of the acne. Use this remedy not only for the pimples on the face, but also for pimples on the body such as on the back and legs.
Time Duration
Let the essential oil air-dry. Reapply after a few hours.
Do a patch test before you use any essential oil, especially if you have sensitive skin.
Most Suitable For
All skin types

(d) Lemon Essential Oil For Pimples

  • 3 drops lemon essential oil
  • Cotton ball
How To Prepare
Lemon oil does not need to be diluted as it is being used on small areas topically.
How To Apply
  1. Clean the affected area and pat it dry.
  2. Put the oil drops on the cotton ball and apply on affected area directly.
How Does It Help
Apart from being a commonly used antimicrobial agent, lemon oil also protects the skin from free radical damage. This essential oil can be used anywhere on the body, except the private parts.
Time Duration
You can leave the oil on the affected area to do its work. Reapply a few times during the day and also before going to bed.
Do a patch test before you use any essential oil, especially if you have sensitive skin.
Most Suitable For
All skin types

(e) Tea Tree Essential Oil For Pimples

  • 1-2 drops tea tree oil
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil or jojoba oil
How To Prepare
Mix the essential oil in the carrier oil.
How To Apply
Apply a drop or two of the above-created oil mix on the affected area and leave it on.
How Does It Help
Tea tree oil is most commonly used essential oil for acne, especially those on the forehead, cheeks, chin, or even above the lip. It is a versatile and potent antimicrobial agent with high levels of antioxidants, making it the perfect essential oil for acne treatment. This remedy can also be used to treat cystic pimples. It also reduces the acne spots.
Time Duration
Reapply the oil every few hours until the acne clears up.
Do a patch test before you use any essential oil, especially if you have sensitive skin.
Most Suitable For
All skin types

(f) Grapeseed Oil For Pimples

A few drops of grapeseed oil
How To Prepare
This oil can be applied directly without dilution.
How To Apply
  1. On a clean and dry face, apply a few drops of grapeseed oil.
  2. Massage for a few minutes.
How Does It Help
Grapeseed is rich in polyphenols, which are basically antioxidants that help you in maintaining healthy skin. This essential oil is very light on the skin and balances the natural oils. It acts as a skin toner and prevents acne breakouts on your face. It also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
Time Duration
Leave the grapeseed oil on overnight. You can also use it during the day.
Do a patch test before you use any essential oil, especially if you have sensitive skin.
Most Suitable For
Oily skin

(g) Primrose Oil For Pimples

Evening primrose oil capsules/soft gels
How To Prepare
Pop open a capsule and use the oil present inside.
How To Apply
  1. Apply the oil on the affected area and leave it on overnight.
  2. Rinse with a mild cleanser in the morning.
Also, ingest one capsule every day.
How Does It Help
Evening primrose oil maintains optimum levels of skin hydration, elasticity, and smoothness with its omega-6 fatty acids. It is also an antibacterial agent. This home remedy works well for treating adult, hormonal, and cystic acne.
Time Duration
Leave the oil on overnight and repeat this every night.
Do a patch test before you use any essential oil, especially if you have sensitive skin.
Most Suitable For
All skin types

(h) Lemongrass Oil For Pimples

  • A few drops of lemongrass oil
  • A small spray bottle
  • Water
How To Prepare
Fill half of the spray bottle with water. Add the essential oil and shake it well.
How To Apply
Spritz some of this lemongrass oil-water mixture on your face and let it dry naturally.
How Does It Help
Lemongrass oil, like the other oils mentioned above, possesses antimicrobial properties and can eliminate the bacteria that is aggravating the acne. It also acts a skin toner and astringent and balances the sebum production.
Time Duration
Leave the oil-water mixture on your skin for a few hours. Spray it on your face twice a day.
Do a patch test before you use any essential oil, especially if you have sensitive skin.
Most Suitable For
All skin types

3. Argan Oil To Get Rid Of Pimples

2-3 drops of argan oil
How To Prepare
Argan oil can be used by itself on the skin.
How To Apply
  1. Clean the face with a gentle cleanser and pat it dry.
  2. Apply tiny dots of the argan oil at random areas of the face and then massage the oil into the skin for a few minutes. Use upward circular motions.
How Does It Help
Argan oil is easily absorbed by the skin and regulates the excess sebum that is being produced. It not only heals the acne that is currently present on your face or body, but it also prevents future breakouts. Its antioxidants and vitamin E content are responsible for these properties.
Time Duration
Let the oil sit on the skin for a couple of hours before reapplying. Ideally, apply the oil once in the morning and once again before going to bed.
Most Suitable For
Normal skin and dry skin

4. Castor Oil To Get Rid Of Pimples

  • Castor oil
  • Washcloth
  • Water
How To Prepare
Castor oil is applied directly to the skin.
How To Apply
1. Cleanse the affected area and pat it dry.
2. Massage a few drops of the oil on the skin for two to three minutes.

How Does It Help
Castor oil cleanses the skin and pulls out all the dirt, impurities, and even the bacteria. The ricinoleic acid present in it conditions the skin and makes it softer and healthier. Cystic acne can also be effectively treated with this oil.
Time Duration
Leave the oil on for an hour and then wipe it away with a wet washcloth. Repeat this twice a day.
Conduct a patch test on the upper forearm before using castor oil on your face.
Most Suitable For
Normal and dry skin

5. Epsom Salt To Get Rid Of Pimples

  • 1 teaspoon Epsom salt
  • 1/2 cup water
  • Cotton ball
How To Prepare
Add the salt to the water and mix well.
How To Apply
Dip the cotton ball in the salt water and dab it on the affected area.
How Does It Help
It cleanses the skin by exfoliating the dead skin cells and also killing the bacteria. It also balances the pH levels of the skin. Use this remedy for the adamant acne under your buttocks and on your back.
Time Duration
Leave the Epsom salt water on the skin for a couple of minutes. Then, rinse with warm water followed by cool water. Repeat once or twice daily.
Epsom salt can be slightly dehydrating for the skin. Do not forget to use a light moisturizer later.
Most Suitable For
Oily skin, combination skin, normal skin

6. Fish Oil To Get Rid Of Pimples

Fish oil pills
How To Prepare
Fish oil pills are taken directly with water.
How To Apply
Ingest one fish oil capsule daily. You can also pop open the capsule and apply it topically on the affected area.
How Does It Help
The omega-3 fatty acids present in fish oil help the body in controlling skin inflammation that is seen in the case of pimples. This, in a way, fastens the healing process of the pimples.
Time Duration
Continue taking fish oil for few months until the acne is under control.
Make sure you are not allergic to fish or fish products before taking these capsules.
Most Suitable For
All skin types

7. Coconut Oil To Get Rid Of Pimples

A few drops of coconut oil
How To Prepare
Lightly warm up the oil.
How To Apply
Apply the warm oil with your fingertips on the affected area. Massage in a circular motion.
How Does It Help
Coconut oil is an emollient and hydrates the skin to keep it supple. It also has antibacterial properties due to which it is added to moisturizers and lotions. Its antioxidants heal the skin and help in the regeneration of skin cells. Be it adult acne or teenage acne due to hormonal changes, coconut oil is a remedy for all.
Time Duration
Leave the oil on for a few hours. Reapply twice daily.
Coconut oil is safe to be used by people of all ages.
Most Suitable For
All skin types

8. Garlic To Get Rid Of Pimples

  • 2-3 garlic cloves
  • Water
How To Prepare
Mash the garlic cloves and add a little bit of water to form a coarse paste.
How To Apply
Apply it directly on the affected area. You can also have garlic to prevent pimple breakouts in the future.
How Does It Help
Garlic has antibacterial properties that help to fight acne. You can also apply garlic paste for acne on the scalp.
Time Duration
Wash off the garlic from the affected area after about 10 minutes.
Do not apply garlic without diluting its juices with water first.
Most Suitable For
All skin types

9. Honey To Get Rid Of Pimples

Raw honey
How To Prepare
Take a few drops of raw honey on your fingertips.
How To Apply
Apply this honey on the pimple area and let it dry.
How Does It Help
Honey is a miraculous acne mask and removes pimples easily. Being a natural antibiotic, it kills the bacteria that cause pimples. It also has hydrating properties and keeps the skin healthy.
Time Duration
Let the honey dry for about 30 to 40 minutes. Rinse with normal water later.
Honey is safe to use for all skin types and also by people of all ages.
Most Suitable For
All skin types

10. Ice To Get Rid Of Pimples

  • An ice cube
  • Soft cloth
How To Prepare
Take the ice cube and wrap it up in a soft and clean piece of cloth.
How To Apply
Apply this all over your pimple and leave it on for a few minutes.
How Does It Help
A few minutes of ice on a pimple can help reduce the swelling, markedly shrinking your acne. Ice packs provide a fast and soothing relief from pimples.
Time Duration
Leave the ice cube on the pimple for two to three minutes.
Do not leave the ice on for too long.
Most Suitable For
All skin types

11. Aloe Vera To Get Rid Of Pimples

Aloe vera leaf
How To Prepare
Cut open the aloe vera leaf and extract the gel present inside. This can be used directly on the affected area to treat pimples.
How To Apply
Apply a generous layer of aloe vera gel on the affected area and also around it.
How Does It Help
Aloe vera gel can be used for acne vulgaris treatment and also on larger areas like the entire face or the back. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and helps to reduce redness and skin irritation.
Time Duration
Leave the aloe gel on for about 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing it off.
Aloe vera is a soothing gel and is safe to be used by everyone.
Most Suitable For
All skin types

12. Lemon To Get Rid Of Pimples

  • A lemon
  • Cotton ball
How To Prepare
Squeeze out fresh lemon juice and dip the cotton ball in it.
How To Apply
With the cotton ball, apply lemon juice on the affected area before going to bed.
How Does It Help
Lemon helps reduce inflammation and swelling. It is also antimicrobial in nature and kills the bacteria that cause the pimple to swell up. You can easily use this remedy on hard to reach places like the pimple behind your ear. Time Duration
Leave the juice on overnight and rinse your face as usual in the morning.
It can cause dryness, irritation, and redness for people with sensitive skin.
Most Suitable For
All skin types, except sensitive skin

13. Turmeric To Get Rid Of Pimples

  • Turmeric powder
  • Water
How To Prepare
  1. Mix enough turmeric with water to make a smooth paste that will cover the entire affected area.
  2. For cystic acne, boil three tablespoons of turmeric in three cups of water until the solution thickens.
How To Apply
  1. Apply this paste on the pimples and let it dry.
  2. For cystic acne, apply the solution carefully on the affected area and cover with gauze. Rinse and repeat the next day.
How Does It Help
Turmeric is an age-old antiseptic. It is widely used as a topical paste to treat skin conditions and infections. It kills the bacteria present on the skin and also aids in the quick recovery of the skin cells.
Time Duration
Rinse the turmeric paste after about 15 minutes.
Use honey instead of water if you have dry skin.
Most Suitable For
All skin types

14. Egg White To Get Rid Of Pimples

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • Face mask brush
How To Prepare
Separate the egg whites from the egg yolks and add lemon juice. Mix well.
How To Apply
Apply the mixture all over the face with the brush.
How Does It Help
Egg whites contain enzymes that reduce excess sebum production and control breakouts. They also unclog pores by drawing out impurities and dirt from the skin. The pimples dry out and heal quickly with this face mask.
Time Duration
Leave the egg white mask on for about 30 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Rinse with cool water after this.
Egg white can be drying for the skin. Do not forget to moisturize after using this home remedy.
Most Suitable For
Oily skin, combination skin, normal skin

15. Heat To Get Rid Of Pimples

  • Hot water
  • Soft washcloth
  • Tissue
How To Prepare
  1. Heat the water to a temperature you can bear.
  2. Soak the washcloth in this hot water and wring out the excess.
How To Apply
  1. Place the hot washcloth against the pimple for a couple of minutes.
  2. Now, cover your index fingers with tissue and gently squeeze out the pus.
  3. If no pus comes out, leave the pimple alone. Repeat the hot washcloth compress after a few hours.
How Does It Help
The hot temperature of the washcloth draws out the pus from the pimple and helps to easily clean it. This remedy should be used for pus-filled pimples or pimples under the skin.
Time Duration
Keep the washcloth on for about 15 to 20 minutes.
Do not burn yourself with the hot water. Be very careful. Also, do not apply too much pressure to squeeze out the pimple. Gentle prodding is all that should be required.
Most Suitable For
All skin types

16. Rice Water To Get Rid Of Pimples

  • ½ cup uncooked rice
  • 2 cups water
  • Cotton ball
How To Prepare
  1. Boil the rice in the water until it is almost or completely cooked.
  2. Strain and cool the water that remains.
How To Apply
Dip the cotton ball in the rice water and dab this all over your face.
How Does It Help
A beauty secret from the land of geishas, rice water promotes fresh cell growth and keeps the skin young-looking. It contains antioxidants and minerals like inositol that cleanse the skin and reduce pigmentation and scars.
Time Duration
Let the rice water air-dry for about 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse with water.
Rice water is safe to use by everyone.
Most Suitable For
All skin types

17. Rose Water To Get Rid Of Pimples

  • 2 tablespoons sandalwood powder
  • 1 tablespoon rose water
How To Prepare
Mix the sandalwood powder with the rose water. Ensure that there are no lumps.
How To Apply
Apply on the face and let it dry.
How Does It Help
Rose water is excellent for the skin. It fades acne scars and also soothes and moisturizes the skin. It works as an astringent and a skin toner.
Time Duration
Leave the pack on till it dries and then rinse with water.
Try not to move your facial muscles while the pack is on as this can cause wrinkles and fine lines to develop in the long run.
Most Suitable For
All skin types

18. Neem To Get Rid Of Pimples

  • A few neem leaves
  • 1 teaspoon multani mitti (Fuller’s earth)
  • Rose water
How To Prepare
  1. Dry the neem leaves in sunlight until they become crisp. Crush and grind them to get a fine powder.
  2. Take one teaspoon of this powder and add the multani mitti to it.
  3. Add enough rose water to make a thick paste.
How To Apply
Apply this paste on the affected area and let it dry naturally.
How Does It Help
Neem is one of the most widely used anti-acne home remedies. Its leaves have antifungal, antibacterial, and blood purifying properties and also work as a natural astringent. It cools down the skin and prevents you from getting pimples.
Time Duration
Leave the pack on for about 20 minutes and then rinse.
Neem can sting slightly.
Most Suitable For
All skin types


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