
Measles is a viral infectious communicable disease. It is also know as ‘Rubella’ Rubella means read spot. It is mostly seen in the age group of 6 months to 3 years but rarely found in case of young adult. One attack of measles generally confers lifelong immunity, natural active acquired immunity, second attacks are rare. A person is more prone to suffer from measles during winter season January to April. The death rate of infant under 5 years suggests that measles is chief factor behind it after diarrhea and respiratory infections. Measles significantly hampers skin, eyes, respiratory tract and immune system and those, a person is likely to be suffered from other disease too. If intensive treatment and carefulness is not don, one can suffer from encephalitis, broncho – pneumonia, kwashiorkor, otitis media, conjunctivitis and can also cause his/her death. 
It is caused by a virus named us Paramyxo virus – RNA type. This virus commonly can’t survive      outside of human body. 
Incubation Period: 
It is incubation period is up to 10-14 days.
Mode of Transmission: 
 It is commonly transmitted via respiratory medium. 
I. Direct transmission occurs by droplets spread/ infection during coughing, talking and sneezing. 
II. Indirect transmission occurs by infected fomites. 
III. Naso-Pharyngeal secretion. 
Its symptoms can be discussed into two stages. They are as follows: 
Prodromal Stages: During this stage, following symptoms occurs. 
I.    Common cold and headache, frequent nasal discharge. 
II.   High fever followed by coughing and sneezing. 
III. Conjunctivitis and watery eyes. 
IV.  Photophobia i.e. Dizziness in sunlight. 
V.   Malaise and Tiredness. 
VI. Hoarseness of voice. 
VII. Anorexia and irritability. 
VIII.Small pink cultured rashes (Koplik’s spots) appear on the skin. 
IX.  Eyes become sensitive to the sunlight.
Eruptive Stage:- Small pink cultured rashes appear throughout the body accordingly face, back of ear, throat, chest and then limbs after 4-5 days, these rashes and spots vanish leading skin dull with appearance of crust. These crust are irritative. 
Prevention and Control: 
• Early Diagnosis: After the suspection of measles , we should currently visit nearest health center. 
• Notification: We should notify nearest health Centre’s about its appearance in a community. 
• Isolation: Patient shouldn’t be in contact of healthy person. 
• Disinfection: Articles like clothes, utensils, etc. that are used by patient should be well cleaned &         than used. 
• Immunization: Vaccination anti-measles vaccine.


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