Febrile Seizure

Febrile convulsion refers to seizure which occurs in the context of a febrile illness in the absence of neuroinfection in a previously normal child. The convulsions are not related to the degree of elevation of temperature/seizure during fever occuring between 6 to 15 year of age in absence of neuroinfection .
Types of Febrile Convulsion:
1. Simple febrile convulsion.
2. Atypical or comples.
Causes of Febrile Convulsion:
The exact cause is unknown but possible factors may be:-
1. Heredity.
2. Elevated body temperature.
3. Recurrent infections especially viral illness tonsillitis, ottitis.
Sing and symptons:
   In type 1
·       These are generally associated with fever.
·       The fits occur wit in 24 hours of the onset of fever.
·       The fits are generalized rather then focal convulsions.
·       The fits are usually single per febrile episode.
·       There may be history of febrile seizure in siblings.
·       30-40% of children have a recurrence.
In type 2
·       A very small percentage of  children are affected by comples seizure.
·       The convulsions last then 20 minutes duration even without significant fever.
·       Abnormalities in electron cephalogram for 2 weeks or more after the attack.
Health Education:
1.     Provide psychological support to parents and family.
2.    Proper explanation about the diseases and the treatment going on.
3.    Teach about the emergency management of seizure as they can such as keeping in side  lying position, antipyretic and cold compress for fever management.

4.    Reinforce medical instructions regarding anticonvulsant drugs.            


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