
Showing posts from December, 2017

Hypothermia in newborn baby

When the newborn’s axillary temperature is below 36.5 ˚C (97.8˚F), the condition is known as hypothermia. The normal axillary temperature of neonate is between 36.5 ˚C- 37.5 ˚C (97.8⁰F-99 ˚ F). The newborn cannot regulate body temperature at birth and in first week of life, so the mother and family member must help the newborn to maintain temperature hypothermia is fourth leading causes of neonatal death in Nepal. Condition Associated with Hypothermia: Too cool room Baby is in draft. Remain wet after birth. Bath given within first 24 hours. Baby is uncovered even for a short time. Baby is placed on a cold surface or near by. A cold wall or window. Baby is asphyxiated and hypoglycemic. Baby has an infection. Not feeding well. Grades of Hypothermia: Cold stress: Temperature between (36.5⁰C-36⁰C) (97.8⁰F - 96.8⁰F) Moderate Hypothermia: Temperature (36⁰C - 32⁰C) (96.8⁰F - 90⁰F) Sever Hypothermia: Temperature (32⁰C or 90⁰ F) Sign and Symptoms of Hypothermia: I


                                                              Hepatitis is the inflammatory condition of liver. The condition is usually caused by bacteria, virus or toxic injury to the liver. Type of Hepatitis:       a.Toxic Hepatitis       b.Viral Hepatitis eg. Hepatitis ‘A’, Hepatitis ‘B’, Hepatitis ‘C’ etc.       c. Bacterial Hepatitis.   Among all these viral Hepatitis is common one. Case: Drugs like sulfonamide, isoniaxid etc. Alcohol Industrial toxins (hepato toxin) eg. Phosphorus chloroform etc. Plant poisons eg.poisonous mushrooms. Clinical Features:   Anorexia Nausea and vomiting. Icterus Hepatomegaly ( Progressing symptoms). Tenderness of liver. Hepatic failure ( in case of plant toxin). Dark urine. Elevated serum bilirubin and urine bilirubin level. Diagnostic test:       History and physical examination.       Radiologic, test.       X-ray abdomen.       Barium X-ray. Laboratory test:


                                       Scabies is one of the major contagious disease. Scabies generally seen at any part of body except head & neck. Severe itching & a pimple like rash. Occasionally, tiny burrow may be seen in the skin. This disease organism made a hole in the skin due to this skin generally itching. In 2015, 2.8% people were suffered from this disease. Causative Agent:- Sarcoptes  Scabei : Itch Mite is a causative agent of scabies. Mode of Transmission:- v Close contact: sleeping with patient, using patient’s towel or clothes, etc. v Sex contact: It also a major role to spread scabies. Sign and Symptoms:-                       Primary Infection:           v Firstly watery rashes appears , v Rashes were itching, v Skin burrow, v Fever, v Enlargement / Swelling of gland,                       Secondary infection : If not treated in time then other                       infection may badly harm. Prevention and Control:-


                  Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease. It is also venereal disease or contagious diseases. This disease affects organ & tissues of human body& skin, mucous, nervous tissue etc. The urethral discharge come out from urinary bladder vaginal discharge & blood are the source of transmission of the disease. This disease affect at any age of people but generally seen at sexually active groups [15-49].              If pregnant mother suffer from this diseases then the child may suffer from this diseases. Child born from suffer mother from this disease then chance of deformity seen in child. Prostitution business engaged people generally suffer from this disease. To cure this disease VDRL [Venereal disease Research Laboratory] test should be used. Causative Agent:- Treponema palladium is causative agent of syphilis. Incubation Period:- Its period from incubated of 1 week to 10 week. Mode of Transmission:- v   Direct contacts - sexual transmis

Daily Care of Baby

                                Daily Care of Baby Purpose: ·        To provide comfort. ·        To detect any abnormalities. ·        To provide relaxation to the muscles and joints. ·        To promote good circulation. ·        To prevent infection and maintain hygiene. Preparation: ·        Weight scale ·        Thermometer ·        Stethoscope ·        Clean wrapper ·        Clean Bed sheet ·        Soap ·        Basin or Bowl ·        Warm water ·        Cotton swabs and gauze piece. ·        Neosporin power/Betadine solution Action: ·        Wash hand properly with soap and water. ·        Prepare all equipment near the bedside or incubator. ·   Check the baby's vital sign(thermometer, heart rate and     respiration) don't give bath if baby's temperature is ≤ 97˚F(36 ˚ C) . ·       Wipe the eyes from inner canthus to outer canthus with a   cotton ball soaked in warm water. ·       Clean the baby&


Ringworm is a very common skin disease. Ringworm is caused fungus like organism. Ringworm is also called Tine. It is very common on side of genital organ, groin, head, between finger, palm nail, etc. It is    caused to any sex and any period of life. It is very common to see in summer & rainy season. If Ringworm is not treated on time then secondary infection may seen on body. Causative and Agent:-         Tinea is causative agent of ringworm. But on the basis of infected part we can categorized on different parts which are given below: v Tinea  Unguium  caused nail ringworm, v Tinea Palm caused Palm ringworm, v Tinea Capitis caused head ringworm, v Tinea Corporis/Circinita caused over all body ringworm, v Tinea Cruris caused groin ringworm, v Tinea sole caused foot ringworm, v Tinea Cutaneous Candidiasis, Monilialis caused skin to shrink place ringworm, Mode of Transmission:- v Direct Contact:-  Skin to skin contact for example hand shaking. v Ind

Amazing Benefits Of Oranges For Skin, Hair And Health

The color orange itself is vibrant and inspiring. We are encouraged to eat a rainbow assortment of fruit and vegetables. Orange can be an important part of that diet. It’s often said that “you are what you eat” and this is particularly true in the case of oranges. We can incorporate the goodness of oranges both in our diet as well as topical application on our skin. In fact, a lot of dermatologists wax eloquent about the benefits of oranges for the skin.  Health Benefits 1. Kidney Stones Prevention If oranges are consumed daily, then there is a  lower risk of developing kidney stones. 2. Lowers Cholesterol Hesperidin and Pectin present in oranges lowers bad cholesterol. It helps the body to slow down the absorption of fats. 3. Prevents Diabetes Oranges have low calories and can be consumed daily. It can balance the sugar levels in your blood very effectively. 4. Arthritis A glass of orange juice a day can keep you free from the inflammation that usually arises from