
                   Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, the covering layer of the brains. This is a cause of child morbidity and mortality. It has to be diagnosed early. It may even take the life of the child. If the patient does not die, there can be serious neurological handicaps due to irreversible brain damage.
1.     Aseptic:-
      The aseptic form may be viral or secondary to lymphoma.
2. Septic (Bacterial meningitis):- 
     The septic form is caused by Neisseria meningitis, H influenza severe
3. Tuberculosis meningitis.
4. Fungal meningitis.
Clinical Features of meningitis:
·        Severe headache with fever.
·        Vomiting
·        Ultered sensorium. ( Unconscious and disorientation).
·        Lethargy
·        Coma, seizure, photophobia, rash.
·        Nuchal rigidity- stiff neck.
·        Kernig's sign-Extension of knee's limited to less than 135˚.
·        Brudzinsky sign- The knees get flexed if neck of child is passively flexed.
·        Respiration may be periodic or chime.
·        Stokes type often with shock in late stage of illness.


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