
Ringworm is a very common skin disease. Ringworm is caused fungus like organism. Ringworm is also called Tine. It is very common on side of genital organ, groin, head, between finger, palm nail, etc. It is    caused to any sex and any period of life. It is very common to see in summer & rainy season. If Ringworm is not treated on time then secondary infection may seen on body.
Causative and Agent:-
        Tinea is causative agent of ringworm. But on the basis of infected part we can categorized on different parts which are given below:
v Tinea  Unguium  caused nail ringworm,
v Tinea Palm caused Palm ringworm,
v Tinea Capitis caused head ringworm,
v Tinea Corporis/Circinita caused over all body ringworm,
v Tinea Cruris caused groin ringworm,
v Tinea sole caused foot ringworm,
v Tinea Cutaneous Candidiasis, Monilialis caused skin to shrink place ringworm,
Mode of Transmission:-
v Direct Contact:-  Skin to skin contact for example hand shaking.
v Indirect Contact:- Wear and use the same clothes which were used by ringworm patient.

Sign and Symptoms:-
v At first Maculo-popular rash were seen and after sometime it enlarge on size and start to itching.
v Alopecia fall hairs from infected parts.
v Secondary infection may seen.
v Black patches were seen on infected part.
v Small patches of scaly skin appear on the scalp.
v Patches may feel tender or painful and inflamed.
Prevention and Control:-
v Early diagnosis and treatment,
v Washed and dry the patient clothes,
v Don’t use the patient clothes and utensils,
v Patient should make to sit or live where sunlight came to kill the fungus,
v Isolate the patient from the healthy person,
v We should more care on personal hygiene.


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