
Hepatitis is the inflammatory condition of liver. The condition is usually caused by bacteria, virus or toxic injury to the liver.

Type of Hepatitis:
      a.Toxic Hepatitis
      b.Viral Hepatitis eg. Hepatitis ‘A’, Hepatitis ‘B’, Hepatitis ‘C’ etc.
      c. Bacterial Hepatitis.
  Among all these viral Hepatitis is common one.
  • Drugs like sulfonamide, isoniaxid etc.
  • Alcohol
  • Industrial toxins (hepato toxin) eg. Phosphorus chloroform etc.
  • Plant poisons eg.poisonous mushrooms.

Clinical Features:
  •  Anorexia
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Icterus
  • Hepatomegaly ( Progressing symptoms).
  • Tenderness of liver.
  • Hepatic failure ( in case of plant toxin).
  • Dark urine.
  • Elevated serum bilirubin and urine bilirubin level.

Diagnostic test:
  •      History and physical examination.
  •      Radiologic, test.
  •      X-ray abdomen.
  •      Barium X-ray.

Laboratory test:
  •      Routine blood-HB-ESR-total count.
  •      Blood serum enzyme (SGPT, SGOT, Alkaline, Phosphorous).
  •      Urine routine and specific test.
  •      Liver function test.

  •      Color of skin, conjunctiva
  •       Lethargy
  •       Feeding
  •       Fluid and electrolyte balance.
  •       Color and consistency of urine.
  •       Tenderness of liver.

Preventive measure:
  •       Health education for the prevention of toxic hepatitis about dangerous or unwise use of drugs and material.
  •      Avoid sexual contact with multiple partner.
  •      Avoid using bloodly substance un-necessarily.
  • ·    Use of toilet.

Health education for hepatitis patient. :
  •      Complete rest.
  •      Avoid using oily and fatty substance.
  •      Proper hand washing and clean toilet after use if possible use separate toilet.
  •      Use of boil water.
  •      Take adequate fluid and electrolyte.                              


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