Cholera is very fast transmitted communicable disease. When people suffer from this disease then the body passes dehydration of even death if not treated properly. It is caused by contaminated food of impure drinking water. Cholera is caused by bacteria called vibrio cholera. The type of bacteria produce toxin called entero toxin. This toxin harm the epithelial tissue of small intestine which throws the liquid material of this tissue
               Cholera is worldwide of ruler disease both found the area where impure drinking water lack of environment sanitation area etc in 1961 cholera is known as pandemic disease. India is known as home of cholera. This disease affect by any period of life rosin but generally seen at childhood time. It is small intestine disease this disease bacteria generally found on vomits and stout
Causative agent:
It is caused by Bactria called vibrio cholera
Incubation period:
After incubation of sometime to 5 Days
mode of transmission:
            This disease transfer through patient foecous to healthy person by faecal oral route through different means:
·       polluted water of stale food       
·       housefly 
·       polluted things
Sign of symptom:
·      Rice watery diarrhoea [ Diarrhoea more than 40 time a day ]
·      effortless vomiting
·       sunken eye
·       muscular cramps
·       Sub-normal temperature
·       washer man’s like hand of fingers
·       loss of skin elasticity especially in abdomen
·       absent pulse
·       dryness of eye, mouth, lips etc .
·       absent of urine flour
Prevention of control:
·       early diagnosis
·       notification provides to near health post to control this disease
·       Apply Chemophylanis process. [provides tetracycline capsule to ruler people ]
·       Vaccination against cholera
·       provide health education about cholera to ruler people
·       make  the patient isolate from healthy group
·       aware the people about personal hygiene and environmental sanitation

·       Use water-scaed latrine   


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