
Tuberculosis is air borne disease generally transfer through breathing process. It is divided into two types: 
1.    Pulmonary Tuberculosis [PTB]: 80% of total tuberculosis diseases seen.
2.    Extra pulmonary tuberculosis [EPTB]: 20% of total tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis generally affects lungs but other parts like bone, gland, skin, intestine etc. But one exception is that it not effect on nails. In 1982. Dr. Robert Koch found disease tuberculosis which generally named Koch’s disease generally air pollution & other like poor, drug addiction  AIDS  Were chance to promote tuberculosis. This disease generally seen in man in comparison of women. According public health survey of Nepal each & every 3 hour duration & 2  people died due to this disease. According to 2016 survey, 1.3 & million people were died due to tuberculosis.
Causative agent:-                                                                                         
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is causative element tuberculosis & malnutrition, Alcohol polluted environment, etc. Are also helps to transfer.
Incubation period:-
Its Generally, infected period of 3 - 6 week.
Mode of transmission:-
Ø Water droplets.
Ø Infected dust particles.
Ø Directed contact – such as face to face talking.
Ø Infected utensils & clothes.
Sign and symptoms:-
Ø Headache,
Ø Sweating,
Ø Weight Loss,
Ø Loss of Appetite,
Ø Cough more than 3 weeks,
Ø [Hemoptysis],
Ø Chest pain,
Ø Fever especially at evening,
Prevention and Control:
Ø Early diagnosis – if you any doubt of tuberculosis or seen sing & symptoms of its then first gone for the medical checkup,
Ø BCG Vaccination in between birth -1 year,
Ø Surveillance,
Ø Isolation,
Ø Aware about environment sanitation & personal cleanliness,
Ø DOTS method use – Direct Observed Treatment Short Course,

Ø Health Education,


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